Hi all,

I'm having an issue trying to load a component that relies on conditionally 
loaded models.

It appears that either the conditional model file is not executed/evaluated 
using the LOAD function.

The following files are relevant to this issue:


The quick solution would clearly be to take the conditional model out of 
"people" so that it is available to the "contact" controller, but I was 
wondering if there were any another solutions which allow the "people" 
model file to still be executed conditionally. 

Perhaps I would be better off putting the model in modules and having the 
model/personnel.py file import the table definition from modules, and add 
another import statement to the "contact" controller and any other 
controllers outside of people that use personnel data (though at present, 
contact is the ONLY one)?

I would think that LOAD would execute the conditional model but perhaps 
there is a good reason it does not? I could just be using components/LOAD 
completely wrong, but if not then maybe this is a good candidate for a 
feature request? 

If anyone can shed some light on this issue, please, shed away! 

Below are the parts my app that are relevant: 

### Models: models/people/personnel.py
 Field(...) # Defines name, position, user-id -- this is NOT meant for any 
sort of access control, just a list of people in our institution

### I have two controllers:
# controller - people.py
def index():
  if request.args(0):
     people = db(db.people.positition == request.args(0)).select()
     people = db(db.people).select()
  return dict(people=people)

# contact.py
def index():
    ... build contact form, do form validation, etc ...
    return dict(form=form) 

# and my contact view 
# views/contact/index.html contains this LOAD statement:
{{ = LOAD('people','index',args=['faculty']) }}

When I attempt to view the page /app/contact/index

I get the error:
  KeyError: people

The error is of course generated in the 2nd line of the people.py index 

When I attempt to view /app/people/index everything works perfectly. 

Can I use LOAD with conditional models?

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