are you sending the string as the HTML part of the email:

                 subject="Plain text subject",
                 message=(text_message, html_message)

both my messages are from response.render (and neither sent through XML()).


On Monday, June 4, 2012 7:52:07 AM UTC-7, Sushant Taneja wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a string var containing some HTML code
> links = "<li><a href='app_path/view/user_a'>user_a</a></li>"
> I am passing this variable to response.render function as: 
> context_dict = dict(links=links)
> message = response.render("invite_friend.html",context_dict)
> # Send mail code below
> In invite_friend.html I have the code:
> <html>
> Hello there, 
> <ul>
> {{=links}}
> <ul>
> </html>
> When the mail is sent, the email message is rendered as below:
> Hello there, 
> <li><a href='app_path/view/user_a'>user_a</a></li>
> instead of
> Hello there,
>    - user_a <http://#>
> How to render the above mail properly ?? I am working on GAE and 
> mail.settings.server is set to 'gae'

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