Try using this...
What that like is doing is making an md5 sum of all those strings together to make a special unique key. Where that is used I have no idea.
Jason Brower

On 06/05/2012 03:46 PM, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
Dear ALL ,

i need help in translating this php code to python , i dont understand the last line :

// TYPE = OTHER OR SHOPPING CART (means fixed account)

$mid = "";  // merchant ID
$appid = ""; // application ID
$orderid = ""; // merchant's order ID
$app_secrect_key = ""; // from the product page
$muid = ""; // merchant's user ID
$ordercurr = "usd"; // merchant's order currency in small letters only
$orderamt = 100;
$orderamt = $orderamt . ".00"; // merchant's order amount
$ordertext = "Product Name";

$msignature = md5($appid . $orderid . $ordercurr . $orderamt . $app_secrect_key);


best regards,

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