Wing is indeed a great tool.  I use it for local-machine debugging all the 
time and it has been a godsend.

Question -- has anyone had luck setting up Wing for remote debugging of 
web2py processes on a different machine?  I have been able to remotely 
debug simple Python scripts, but when I put the Wing hook code in web2py 
modules, the remote debugger connects to the IDE very briefly then 
disconnects.  So far I have tried putting the hooks in and in 
gluon / / start().  This seems strange because when running 
web2py locally from the IDE, is used as the "main debug file".  I 
would rather not add the hooks to individual applications (controllers, 
models and/or modules).  Can anyone point me in the right direction?


On Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:51:21 AM UTC-4, Speedbird wrote:
> Folks, 
> Just wanted to share with the community a real jewel, many of you knew 
> this but I actually started using it "heavily" during the past couple 
> of weeks: the IDE is wing from wingware, basically you run web2py from 
> inside of it, then just open your controller/module/model from the 
> IDE, set up a breakpoint and voila you have a very interesting 
> development "studio" ala visual studio. 
> I've added a screenshot of my desktop running the IDE with my current 
> pet, being "debugged", the screenshot can be found here: 
> Wing IDE is not free, BUT you can get a developer's license (which 
> will give you the latest "Pro" release bona-fide). you have no idea 
> how much less time I've spent debugging the code with a tool like this 
> one, long live web2py 
> PS - Here's the web2py-specific information on their page, whoever 
> wrote it must've had a good understanding of the web2py framework (was 
> it you massimo??) - 
> Best regards to all, 
> Julio 

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