
I can retrieve  latitude and longitude no problem. I just can't pass the 
value in the javascript.

So this shows correct value
<p>longtitude,latitude: {{=longitude}},{{=latitude}}</p>

but cannot pass in here using {{=}}
  map = new GMaps({
    div: '#map',
    lat: {{=latitude}},
    lng: {{=longitude}}

On Friday, June 15, 2012 12:28:31 PM UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> It seems geocode function returns inverted coordinates.
> Please try: (longitude, latitude) = geocode(address)
> Il giorno venerdì 15 giugno 2012 17:47:33 UTC+2, Omi Chiba ha scritto:
>> Now, I want to pass the latitude and longitude variable to the java 
>> script. How can I do this ? Obviously, the following method doesn't work.
>> *default/index.html*
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> <script src="";></script>
>> <script src="{{=URL('static','js/gmaps.js')}}"></script> 
>> <div>
>> {{=form.custom.begin}}
>> {{}}{{=form.custom.submit}}
>> {{=form.custom.end}}
>> </div>
>> {{if longitude or latitude:}}
>> <p>longtitude,latitude: {{=longitude}},{{=latitude}}</p>
>> <div id="map" style="height:400px;width:800px"></div>
>> <script>
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>   map = new GMaps({
>>     div: '#map',
>>     lat: {{=latitude}},
>>     lng: {{=longitude}}
>>   });
>> });
>> </script>
>> {{pass}}
>> *controllers/*
>> def index():
>>     from import geocode
>>     latitude = ''
>>     longitude = ''
>>     form=SQLFORM.factory(Field('search'), _class='form-search')
>>['_class'] = 'input-long search-query'
>>     form.custom.submit['_value'] = 'Search'
>>     form.custom.submit['_class'] = 'btn'
>>     if form.accepts(request):
>>         (latitude, longitude) = geocode(address)
>>     else:
>>         (latitude, longitude) = ('','')
>>     return dict(form=form, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude)
>> On Friday, June 15, 2012 10:42:04 AM UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:
>>> It worked !!
>>> On Friday, June 15, 2012 10:18:20 AM UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>>>> try to move  
>>>> <script src="";></script>
>>>> <script src="{{=URL('static','js/gmaps.js')}}"></script> 
>>>> below
>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>> Il giorno venerdì 15 giugno 2012 16:59:43 UTC+2, Omi Chiba ha scritto:
>>>>> Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong ?
>>>>> I downloaded gmaps.js and placed under static/js, then tried the 
>>>>> following code but nothing shows..
>>>>> default/index.html
>>>>> <script src="";></script>
>>>>> <script src="{{=URL('static','js/gmaps.js')}}"></script>
>>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>>> <script>
>>>>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>>>>   map = new GMaps({
>>>>>     div: '#map',
>>>>>     lat: -12.043333,
>>>>>     lng: -77.028333
>>>>>   });
>>>>> });
>>>>> </script>
>>>>> <div id="map" style="height:200px;width:200px;"></div>
>>>>> On Sunday, June 10, 2012 8:17:48 AM UTC-5, mcm wrote:
>>>>>> Javier, 
>>>>>> No thanks no help needed by me at the moment. :-D 
>>>>>> Simply bad writing, sorry. It should have been: 
>>>>>> "[This] Helps  implementing google maps." 
>>>>>> mic 
>>>>>> 2012/6/9 Javier Quarite <>: 
>>>>>> >> El jueves, 7 de junio de 2012 00:04:29 UTC+2, mcm escribió: 
>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>> >>> Help implementig google maps. 
>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>> >>> mic 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > What problems do you have? 

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