
I used the markmin tools you forwarded.  I had a Web2py instance running on 
my lappy and it served up the slides as static pages. There weren't many 

The talk covered the admin app and  the DAL and models using a dogs 
application.  These were all on the menu.

This pretty much consumed my time slot.  I finished off by showing 
smartgrid.  I made sure to show them the controller code, too.

I plan to spiff up the slide set some, after which I'll bundle the 
application and contribute it as a slice.

On Friday, June 15, 2012 12:23:33 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Congratulations. Not sure I was of any help. We should make a repository 
> of info for people who need to give talks.
> On Friday, 15 June 2012 01:17:37 UTC-5, Cliff Kachinske wrote:
>> Thanks to all who provided pointers to information for preparing for the 
>> talk, especially Massimo.
>> This evening I presented a talk before PyAtl, the Atlanta Meetup Python 
>> User Group.
>> Because of time constraints, (30-40 mins) I was really only able to cover 
>> the DAL.
>> Out of the ~32 attendees, I count 5 who were interested enough to 
>> download web2py and play with it.
>> I have offered to cover controllers, views and advanced topics on the 
>> next go round.
>> There was at least one person who was vocal about the implicit/explicit 
>> question.  The dialog was mutually respectful and I think I made a suitable 
>> answer on the grounds of pragmatism, DRY and less error prone.  This 
>> gentleman was also a dedicated Pyramid user, though he did offer to look at 
>> Web2py again.
>> No comments or questions from any Django users in attendance, though I 
>> suspect some were there.  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution uses Django and 
>> some AJC employees were among those planning to attend.

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