I can't figure how to implement signed urls in that module. Data 
syncronization features are configured passing url arguments (which I think 
leaves using signed urls and verification to the rest of the application 
code, outside of spreadsheet.py).

El viernes, 15 de junio de 2012 13:25:06 UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
> Sounds good. No suggestions. Except that this module predates signed URLs 
> and should now take advantage of them.
> I added some extra features:
-Sheet class accepts a Rows object for creating the spreadsheet and stores 
client-side table modifications for sending bulk db update commands from 
the spreadsheet page
-row(), colum() and matrix() methods for adding sets of cells.

This needs further tests and refinement. Will send the patch to the issues 
page when it's ready.

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