Are you using caching? Are you using sqlite? We should nail down the cause 
of this problem.
Did you try to bytecode compile the app?


On Sunday, 17 June 2012 21:17:01 UTC-5, Lucas R. Martins wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm running a website with ~ 900 urls and no many daily access in a small 
> vps. I have observed that, when a start the server, this use only 10mb, in 
> my case.
> However, with the time and natural access (specially googlebot), the 
> server memory usage grow and grows indefinitely until use all server 
> memory.
> There is anything to do to limit web2py memory usage and force it to free 
> unused memory? There is any kind of internal ram cache which can be 
> disabled?
> Thanks.

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