On Jun 22, 2012, at 7:46 AM, RKS wrote:
> Okay, so that works on everything except href="{{=URL('something')}} it 
> returns the error "URL is not defined." I'm going to try the other anchor 
> method available and see if that works.
> The {{=blog.title}} and {{include 'postviews3.html'}} works fine with this 
> solution.

I think you might need to pass URL in with the context:

{{import os}}
{{from gluon.template import render}}
{{=XML(render(blog.body, path=os.path.join(request.folder, 'views'),
  context=dict(response._vars, URL=URL)))}}

(If this is a general issue, perhaps gluon.template ought to be importing URL 
and some of the other implicitly global symbols.)


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