You should look in the error logs.<>

where "examples" is the name of your app that was crashing.

On Friday, June 22, 2012 1:34:35 PM UTC-7, magoo wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I have a web2py healthcheck monitoring application. Basically the only 
> thing the 
> application does is make database queries to find healthcheck data and 
> make REST 
> api calls to a separate web2py application for information on the 
> environment. 
> Recently the application has been "crashing" at least once a day. The 
> web2py 
> process still exists, but users are unable to connect to the application. 
> There 
> are no errors in the logs or any useful information in the httpserver.log, 
> it's 
> like web2py just hangs and I have to restart it. I'm at my wits end trying 
> to 
> figure out what is happening so I figured I'd see if anyone has 
> experienced this 
> before or has any tips on log files I'm unaware of to check. 
> Thanks! 


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