Trying to add crud permissions to my application but I must be making this 
harder than it should be. After defining a table in I use a 
nested loop to add the crud permissions. Being a newbie I assumed that I could 
name my arguments if I have reason not to insert them in the 
correct order:

for group in [3,4,5]:        
    for permission in ["create","read","update"]:
        auth.add_permission(group_id=group, name=permission, record_id=0, 

however i get this error:
TypeError: add_permission() got an unexpected keyword argument 'object'

I did read the manual but perhaps I'm missing something? 
>From Page 411 in the web2py manual:

auth.add_permission(group_id, 'name', 'object', record_id)
gives permission "name" (user defined) on the object "object" (also user
defined) to members of the group group_id. If "object" is a tablename then
the permission can refer to the entire table by setting record_id to a 
value of
zero, or the permission can refer to a specific record by specifying a 
value greater than zero. 

Thank you,


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