On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Seems to me this has precisely the same meaning (though in a different
> context). In the context of Auth, register_next is the URL after you
> register, and in the context of Crud, create_next is the URL after
> submission of a create form. What's the problem?

By "precisely the same meaning", do you mean that there is a _next URL
parameter that can override the Crud create_next (and others) field
settings and it is a bug that The Book doesn't say so?


> Moreover, your suggested fix (to have
> auth.settings.register_next take precedence within the register() function)
> would actually break the intended behavior. It's important to identify the
> real problem before attempting a fix.

Since you wrote: "it does appear that the navbar does not do the same
thing with the login link, and I'm not quite sure why" I don't have
much confidence in your claim to knowing what the intended behavior
is.  As I wrote in my first message:
"...I have no idea what else I have subtly screwed up. I don't even
know if I should submit a bug report or if there is some other
configuration I could do that would avoid having to make this code

Having spent hours reading through the book and then the code to see
what mistake I had made configuring auth.settings and/or my app in
general, I finally had to give up and just use my big hammer solution
so that I could move on to doing more substantial work on my app. No
one has explained why login_next is different nor how it fits into
some notion of what the current design/intent is. I deeply regret that
I did anything other than file a bug report, in total:
"auth.setting.login_next and auth.settings.register_next are
documented to behave the same, but do not." I esp. regret all the
investigative work and time I spent on my first message of this


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