On 5 Jul 2012, at 8:04 AM, adohertyd wrote:
> Oh I see now. Ok tried to implement that still no joy. I'm trying a number of 
> different things still no luck. It's just a matter of perseverance I think!

Show your current code, please. 

> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 15:49:50 UTC+1, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On 5 Jul 2012, at 7:47 AM, adohertyd wrote:
>> No that's not it either Jonathan. The problem I think is with the {'term' : 
>> urllib.quote(term)}. I think that because 'term' is a dict type, the 
>> urllib.quote is having issues with it.
> That's what I mean. In the case of blekko and entireweb, you're using 
> (implicitly) term = __process()['term'], but for Bing you're doing term = 
> __process().
>> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 14:55:06 UTC+1, adohertyd wrote:
>> Me again! I don't know why I am getting this error. The process() function 
>> takes in a value session.term, processes it, and returns it as a dict type 
>> so that it can be mapped to URL's in the next function. The results() 
>> function sends the variable 'term' to 3 different API URL's which all should 
>> return some json results. The entireweb and blekko results come back fine if 
>> I leave out the bing call; however, the bing results cause the error 'Dict 
>> object has no attribute rstrip'. The problem has to be in the way I'm 
>> calling the Bing API. Would really appreciate some guidance here. Thanks! 
>> This is my default.py controller

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