Are there any updated deployment docs available? At work we run web2py no 
problems but we have our own servers. At home, for all my testing sites, I 
use shared hosting. Below is some correspondence I've had today with my 
shared host:

[After emailing them the link to the deployment recipes in the 

"We have looked at the page and unfortunately it doesn't look like it
>> will work well with our shared Web hosting service. In particular we
>> don't support mod_wsgi and you wouldn't be able to run the web2py
>> built-in web server and proxy off to it either, since you don't have
>> root access or the ability to run daemons (so the two installation
>> methods they discuss in detail won't work).
>> In fact the whole page assumes that you are installing Web2py on a
>> dedicated or virtual private server rather than a shared Web hosting
>> server. So it's likely that there would be other problems as well."
[After forwarding the section on mod_python:]

"Unfortunately, no -- we don't use mod_python, mod_wsgi, or any of the
>> other things mentioned on that page. In our experience,few shared
>> hosting providers use either mod_python or mod_wsgi now, which makes us
>> think that page is perhaps outdated, to be honest.
>> We're very sorry about that. I wish we had a better answer! We had
>> several people here review what they suggest, though, and we're sure
>> that none of those options will work on our servers. It really does seem
>> like you probably need to use a Virtual Private Server or a dedicated
>> server to run that software."
So are there any updated instructions on deployment? I'm really just 
looking to have a live testing bed where I can load w2p applications and 
view them from external services like browserlabs etc. Hence the need for 
it to be live. With this host I do have shell access but no sudo or Apache 
config permissions. They're running the latest apache and are already set 
up to support Django and run several django sites already, so I think w2p 
is certainly doable there.

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