
I am from a non coding background so python, web2py is very new to me. I am 
trying to send html content using json and then use that in controller to 
generate pdf. If I am able to send json data and then use it in controller 
function, i should be able to get the pdf. More details below. I am missing 
out on correct json syntax , encoding and decoding.

My app needs to export textarea content (using RTE redactor) to pdf. I get 
html content from textarea (redactor), can you please advice me on how to 
use pyfpdf to generate a pdf file on button click.

I don't know how to get the html content (images and text) on button click 
in view to generate pdf using appreport.

I was able to use app-report to generate a pdf (using PISA, PYPDF does not 
work) from an existing html file (without css) if html file has css it 
throws an error,

***<class 'sx.w3c.cssParser.CSSParseError'> Terminal function expression 
expected closing ')':: (u'Alpha(Opacity', u'=0); }\n\n\n\n.ui-state-')***

This might be due to a mistake in the controller code:

def myreport():
    html = response.render('myreport.html', dict())
    return plugin_appreport.REPORTPISA(html = html)


Another thing I tried was passing the html from my view to the controller 
using ajax post (in Javascript). Redactor is the textarea RTE I am using 
and alert gives me the desired html result.


function getContent() {
var t= jQuery('#redactor_content').getCode();
                    type: "POST", 
                    url: "";, 
                    data: "{g : 'jQuery('#redactor_content').getCode()'}" 



def myreport2():
    g = request.get_vars
    html = response.render(g)
    return plugin_appreport.REPORTPISA(html = html)

Due to my less knowledge in coding , I am not able to figure out and 
correct my mistake. I will be thankful if anybody can help me with this 

Regards, Akash

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