I know this is probably not the right place to ask, but I am using w2p and 
post here pretty frequently so I figured what the heck. I'm also in a rush 
and not finding out what I need on stackoverflow.

I have some jquery and it works in every browser except any version of IE. 
If you happen to notice anything right off the bat that will cause this not 
to work, please let me know. I'm desperate. Thanks.

        $(function () {
            // hide all the steps on document load
            // show the one step that is identified by the current hash (if 
            $("a.reveal").click(function (event) {
                var idToReveal = $(this).attr("href");
                // store the ID to show in the URL for bookmarking
                document.location.hash = idToReveal;
                // hide every step that is currently visible
                // reveal the next div (as identified by the current link's 
                // prevent the default click behavior (i.e. prevent 

Quick recap, this hides divs and shows them via anchors on the page. It 
also saves the hash so on reload it opens to the current hash instead of 
going back to 1. Thanks

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