This should work.  No guarantees that it will be fast.  Also, limit_by 
would be problematic.  
Maybe you could cache the row set and just update the cache when there is a 

Otherwise there is a discussion here about processing the results of 

with_alias() and as_list() are well documented in the Web2py manual.

For sorting, Google "Python sorting list of dictionaries."

## use aliases so all the fields have the same name
foo = db.table.field.with_alias('bar')
fee = db.table.otherfield.with_alias('baz')
## get some data
rows = db(some_arbitrary_query).select(foo, fee).as_list()

## reset the aliases
foo = db.other_table.other_field.with_alias('bar')
fee = db.other_table.yet_another_field.with_alias('baz')
## extend the list with rows from the other table

rows.extend(db(otherquery)select(foo, fee).as_list())

## loop through the result
for row in rows:
  print row['bar']
  print row['baz']

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 6:47:06 PM UTC-4, Najtsirk wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a database design dilema. I want to do a e-learning system for a 
> course. The course soould have severeal lessons, each lesson can be of 
> different type.
> Let's say we have following model:
> #for definiton of each course
> db.define_table('course',
> Field('title', 'string')) 
> #for the video lesson
> db.define_table('video',
> Field('title', 'string'),
> Field('video_url', 'string'),
> Field('course_id', db.course),
> Field('weight', 'integer'))
> #for the tekst lesson
> db.define_table('text',
> Field('title', 'string'),
> Field('content', 'text'),
> Field('course_id', db.course),
> Field('weight', 'integer'))
> I know how to do this with a raw sql using UNION, like:
> db.executesql('SELECT title, course_id, weight FROM video UNION SELECT 
> title, course_id, weight FROM text WHERE course_id = *some_value* ORDER 
> BY weight')
> But i wondering if there is any way I can achieve that with DAL? Maybe I 
> should design the database model in a different way?
> Thank you for your replies, ideas, thoughts..
> Kristjan

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