Sounds fun!  Let's talk more about it.
or just use my email...

On 07/16/2012 01:23 AM, web-dev-m wrote:
I am working on many projects, and I figured I would ask for help on here to see if anyone wants to help with this.

We are currently working on a project to help hearing impaired people learn to read lips better. When hearing impaired people learn to speak, they must rely on lip reading more than the average person in order to improve their vocabulary. As a result, many hearing impaired people have vocabulary and reading abilities many grade levels below the average person. We are working on a web2py solution to this problem. The basic setup of the site is as follows:

Users will come to the site and be able to navigate a categorical list of uploaded words. This program will display videos of people saying words, along with their definition, and use in a sentence. Ideally, users will be able to read the words into their computer microphone and get feedback on computer recognition of their pronunciation.

Users can also add entries wikipedia style. On the back end, a select group of users is defined which can allow user entries to be displayed to the public. These users can also edit the uploaded videos/their definitions/and sentences.

If you have any interest in helping make this project a success, please let me know. If you want to take over development of this project, we are also willing to pay up to $1500 for a nice looking, complete solution.

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