PFA Basic example pdf with nested tables using web2py-appreport plugin , 
Please let me know if this would work in your case. 

I can test if you provide me the html of with the nested table you plan to 

The attached report was generated using PISA (xhtmltopdf) part of the 

On Sunday, 15 July 2012 01:36:33 UTC+5:30, thinkwell wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm experimenting with pyfpdf with HTML formatting, but it's not going so 
> well. Is a bit buggy. For example, this code generates a KeyError: 'width'.
> {from gluon.contrib.pyfpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin 
> from gluon.html import *
> header = HEAD('html2pdf', _align='center')
> pets = TABLE(_border=1, _width="100%")
> pets.append(TR(TH('Dogs'),TH("Cats"),TH('Snakes')))
> pets.append(TR('Collies','Tabby','Python'))
> pets.append(TR('Akitas', 'Persian', 'Garter'))
> class MyFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin):
>     pass
> html2 = pets.xml()
> print html2
> pdf=MyFPDF()
> #First page
> pdf.add_page()
> pdf.write_html(html2)
> pdf.output('html2.pdf','F')}
> I
> {/usr/lib/python2.7/HTMLParser.pyc in goahead(self, end)
>     156             if startswith('<', i):
>     157                 if starttagopen.match(rawdata, i): # < + letter
> --> 158                     k = self.parse_starttag(i)
>     159                 elif startswith("</", i):
>     160                     k = self.parse_endtag(i)
> /usr/lib/python2.7/HTMLParser.pyc in parse_starttag(self, i)
>     322             self.handle_startendtag(tag, attrs)
>     323         else:
> --> 324             self.handle_starttag(tag, attrs)
>     325             if tag in self.CDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS:
>     326                 self.set_cdata_mode(tag)
> /home/dave/PythonTraining/web2py/gluon/contrib/pyfpdf/html.pyc in 
> handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs)
>     245    = dict([(k.lower(), v) for k,v in 
> attrs.items()])
>     246    = True
> --> 247             if'width'):
>     248                 self.table_col_width.append(['width'])
>     249         if tag=='thead':
> KeyError: 'width'
> }
> I tried changing line 247 to -
> {if'width'):}
> But the KeyError is still getting raised. :-(
> Is  generating reports from HTML not recommended? In addition to this 
> KeyError, I've frequently gotten "list out of range" exceptions raised as 
> well, on what seem like the most vanilla of experiments.


Attachment: report___20120718-120624.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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