I have to provide public/private key authentication for accessing web 
service (REST) from client in my web2py application.How to achieve it?

1.Each client will have unique private key which will be sent to the server 
alongwith request.
2. Server has to authenticate private key using public key(unique for each 
client) and then allow to access the web service method. For e.g. suppose 
one client say X has requested for web service "add()" so server has to 
first validate the public key with client's private key and if validation 
is successful then allow to access the web service "add()".

where to store public key of each client?we can't store it in the db 
because server can't access db before validation of web service method.So 
will it be store somewhere in PC(where server is running)?if yes then how 
and which format? 

NOTE: Here Server will be completely written in web2py and client is 
separate application running on the hardware device.


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