The dot notation for session.vars.a is not going to work.  

It's true that session is a Python object and you can assign attributes to 
it, but vars is not a Python object.  Thus you cannot assign attributes to 

For this case, it would be simpler to just use something like 

If for some reason you want to assign multiple values to session.vars, it 
could by a Python list or a dictionary.  But first you have to initialize 
it, something like

if 'vars' not in session:
  session.vars = {} # for a dictionary

On Thursday, July 26, 2012 8:43:33 AM UTC-4, adohertyd wrote:
> Hope you guys can give me a hand here. I have two central functions in my 
> controller: index() and resultsDisplay()
> In index() the user enters a string into a form and it is assigned to 
> session.var.a
> session.var.a is passed to resultsDisplay() and it is processed. In the 
> resultsDisplay() view, I want the form from index() to be shown with the 
> user's string in it. I also will have a number of alternative suggestions 
> for the user. What I want is that if the user enters another term in the 
> form on the results page, or if the user clicks one of the supplied 
> suggestions, the resultsDisplay() function will restart, except that 
> instead of session.var.a being the form data from the index(), it will be 
> whatever the new value is. A great example of this is Google. If you type a 
> query in the main bar it gives you results. You notice that you've spelt 
> the query incorrectly. Google offers a suggestion, or the user has the 
> option of re-typing the query in the box and getting a new set of results. 
> How would I do this? Also, on a side note, how do I give the radio buttons 
> in my form a default value?
> *def index():*
>  form = SQLFORM.factory(
>          Field('field_1','string', widget=SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget,
> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>          Field('field_2',requires=IS_IN_SET(('Yes','No')), widget=SQLFORM.
>            submit_button='Go!')      
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         session.term=request.vars.field_1
>         session.aggregate=request.vars.field_2
>         redirect(URL('resultsDisplay'))
>     else:
>         response.flash = 'please fill the form'
>     return dict(form=form)
> *def resultsDisplay():*
>    __function_1(session.term)
>     do some processing
>     __function_2(session.term)
>     do some processing
>     __function_3(session.term)
>     return locals()
> *index.html:*
> {{=form.custom.begin}}
>   <div id="textBar">{{=form.custom.widget.field_1}}<br />
>   {{=form.custom.submit}}</div>
>   <br />
>   Choice:
>   <div>{{=form.custom.widget.field_2}}</div>
>   {{=form.custom.end}}
> *resultsDisplay.html:*
> *
> *
> #I want to put the form from index.html here
> {{=DisplayResults_as per resultsDisplay function}}
> #I want to put suggestions that, when clicked, will reload this page with 
> new result set.


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