I've found what seems a simple way to let multiple apps share a DB and 
create the same table definitions without conflict.  Chris, you may find 
this useful and also I'd love to hear from the true experts if there are 
problems with this approach.  (It works for me but maybe there are other 

Step 1, be sure that each application is applying the exact same table 
definition / structure (by defining in a module that all apps import or 
whatnot).  There isn't any table-sharing approach that will work right if 
two different applications are competing violently to change the schema 
over and over.

Step 2, have all the subsystems share a single directory where the *.table 
files are stored.  The usual behavior is that each app has its own store of 
*.table files in its own app-local ./databases directory.  The problem with 
conflicting table creates happens, as far as I can tell, when a table 
already exists but there is no corresponding table-definition file in the 
app's own local ./databases directory.  In web2py / gluon / dal.py / 
BaseAdapter / create_table(), the logic that determines the location and 
name of the table-definition file looks like this (in web2py version 

## at line 697
dbpath = self.folder
## e.g. /path/to/web2py/applications/appname/databases

## at line 706
table._dbt = os.path.join(dbpath, '%s_%s.table' % (table._db._uri_hash,tablename
## e.g. 

In other words, the path is derived from the app name (and is below the app 
directory), and the file name is derived from the DB URI + table name.

To allow multiple apps to share table-definition files, you could either 
change DAL code to point to a different folder that doesn't differ per app 
(maybe under web2py or web2py/private), or you could leave DAL alone and 
use symbolic links to make all the ./databases folders point to the same 

What I've done is create a web2py / applications / databases folder that 
isn't really an app (isn't mentioned in routes.py and so on), then for each 

## on OSX 10.7.3, may differ on other OS's
ln -s /path/to/web2py/applications/databases /path/to/web2py/applications/

(Note no trailing "/" on either of the paths.)  This allows DAL to continue 
as usual, but all apps are reading & writing the same set of table 
definition files.

There are some tradeoffs between doing this in DAL and doing via symlinks.  
If you do it via DAL, then there are no additional steps to configuring 
your app other than deploying the right source files, and you don't rely on 
having an OS that supports symlinks -- although that's a smaller issue than 
it used to be now that Windows Vista supports symlinks; however this 
approach does mean a source code change, that you would need to keep track 
of over web2py releases, and might obligate you to publish the code and so 
on for licensing reasons.  Also if you do it via DAL, if you want different 
subsets of  apps in a single web2py instance to share DBs differently (i.e. 
it's not all-or-none), you would have to add logica saying which shared 
directories are for which apps, via a configuration file or whatever.  If 
you do it via symlinks, then you don't have to change source code, you can 
decide which apps share table definitions or not by which app directories 
you point to which shared directories -- but you have to know how to make 
these changes as you move code between machines, changing deployment from a 
"drop the files in" approach to "... then run these scripts", which is 
probably a matter of taste.

In any case, once I have apps sharing a folder for table-definition files, 
this problem goes away.

On Monday, June 27, 2011 2:22:57 PM UTC-4, Christopher Baron wrote:
> Hi web2py users, 
> Just upgraded to Version 1.97.1 
> I checked my code out into the new directory, opened my browser, and 
> received and error stating 'auth_cas' already exists. 
> I removed all files from the databases folder and tried again 
> receiving an error that 'auth_user' already exists. 
> I'm using a private/config file that points to some mysql database on 
> another server. 
> What can I do ? 
> I'd be happy to share more information needed to help solve the 
> problem. 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Chris


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