Thank you very much Anthony that's a great help. Do you know where in the 
manual/other documentation this kind of thing is? I couldn't find it 
anywhere. All I could find on the net was jQuery and ajax stuff 

On Thursday, 26 July 2012 23:11:16 UTC+1, Anthony wrote:
> When you build the links, do something like:
> {{for suggestion in suggestions:}}
> {{=LI(A(suggestion, _href=URL('default', 'resultsDisplay', vars=dict(
> userQuery=suggestion))))}}
> {{pass}}
> That will give you URLs like 
> /yourapp/default/resultsDisplay?userQuery=suggestion. The suggestion will 
> then be accessible as request.vars.userQuery in the resultsDisplay function.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:52:34 PM UTC-4, adohertyd wrote:
>> How do I assign the query value to the request.vars? I'm ok with checking 
>> for it in the function, but how do I pass the request.vars to the function 
>> first??
>> On Thursday, 26 July 2012 22:31:54 UTC+1, Anthony wrote:
>>> Construct the links so they contain a query string with the new 
>>> userQuery. In the resultsDisplay function, check for a userQuery in 
>>> request.vars, and if present, process that value instead of processing 
>>> session.userQuery.
>>> Anthony
>>> On Thursday, July 26, 2012 4:21:22 PM UTC-4, adohertyd wrote:
>>>> I posted a related question earlier but given the response I don't 
>>>> think my question was clear. My index page contains a form and the index() 
>>>> function assigns the user input in this form to a variable: 
>>>> session.userQuery
>>>> session.userquery is then processed in resultsDisplay() and sent to a 
>>>> number of API's. The data returned from these API's is processed and 
>>>> displayed on resultsDisplay.html. On results.html the user is given 
>>>> suggestions for an alternative term. This is where my query lies.
>>>> I want the generated suggestions to be clickable links that will 
>>>> restart the resultsDisplay() function with the clicked term as the new 
>>>> session.userQuery value. The results generated will then be relative to 
>>>> the 
>>>> new term. I hope this makes sense. As I've said, it's like when a user 
>>>> misspells a word in Google and they ask "Did you mean...." and when you 
>>>> click the suggested term, the suggested term replaces the user's original 
>>>> input.
>>>> *def index():*
>>>>   #assigns user input to session.userQuery
>>>> *def resultsDisplay():*
>>>>  #processes session.userQuery
>>>>     #sends processed string to number of API's
>>>>     #processes API returns
>>>>     #returns data
>>>> *resultsDisplay.html: *  
>>>>  Results:
>>>>    <ul>
>>>>         <li> results </li>
>>>>   </ul>
>>>>  Suggestions:
>>>>    <ul>
>>>>         <li><a href="resultsDisplay.html" onclick=session.userData=
>>>> "suggestion"> suggestions</a> </li>
>>>>    </ul>


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