With meetup.com, groupspaces and even facebook groups rising in popularity; 
it is only fitting that an open-source alternative be developed at the same 

Currently *GiantPicnic* supports:

   - CRUD groups
   - CRUD group events
   - Join/leave groups
   - RSVP to group events
   - View profile
   - Facebook login
   - Mobile apps made with PhoneGap
   - An API exposed for doing common tasks
With more features to follow, including:

   - Membership dues
   - Per group and per event management
   - Sellable event RSVPs (i.e.: tickets)
   - E-commerce
   - Threaded group and event comments
   - Section for ranking of suggested talks/topics
   - Fine-grained RBAC within groups
Source: https://bitbucket.org/SamuelMarks/giantpicnic

I've released it under a BSD license—with one extra condition, so feel free 
to send me merge requests 

This is my first web2py project, so you will notice a bit of hacky code 
here and there, and lack of caching. Please recommend where+when I should 
cache, and how to de-hackify the code.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy my project,

Samuel Marks


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