After calling form.accepts (or form.process), the generated formkey is 
stored in form.formkey. You can also use form.hidden_fields() to generate 
the _formname and _formkey hidden fields instead of creating them manually.

def index():
    return dict(form=FORM(INPUT(_name='name')).process(formname='my_form'))


<form method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="name">
    <input type="submit" value="Double Submit Me">
    <input type="hidden" name="_formname" value="my_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="_formkey" value="{{=form.formkey}}">


<form method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="name">
    <input type="submit" value="Double Submit Me">


On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 10:11:18 AM UTC-4, Yarin wrote:
> Sometimes I need to define my forms in the view, but still want to use as 
> much of web2py's form functionality as possible. In those cases I generally 
> define the form in the controller as well, with corresponding fields, and 
> then build a form in the view with the same formname.
> This works, except that I can't figure out how to make use of formkey to 
> prevent double posting in this scenario?
> *Controller:*
> def index():
>     my_form = FORM(INPUT(_name='name'))
>         if my_form.accepts(request.vars,formname='my_form'):
>         logger.debug(
>         import time
>         time.sleep(1) # Wait a little to allow a double submission
>         response.flash = "Form accepted."
>     elif my_form.errors:
>         response.flash = str(my_form.errors)
>     else:
>         pass
>     return dict()
> *View:*
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <form method="POST">
>     <input type="text" name="name">
>     <input type="submit" value="Double Submit Me">
>     <input type="hidden" name="_formname" value="my_form">
> </form>


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