On can always do:

db._adapter.types = copy.copy(db._adapter.types)

It should work. Can you please check it?

On Tuesday, 7 August 2012 11:56:59 UTC-5, Osman Masood wrote:
> However, web2py maintains the promise of backwards compatibility. One way 
> is to have a 'tinyint_boolean' datatype for those who want to use tinyints 
> as booleans. But that looks kind of messy and inelegant. 
> An alternative is this: We could add a migration script to /scripts to 
> convert all boolean data types from CHAR(1) to TINYINT(1), and from 'T' to 
> 1 and 'F' to 0. Also, when a table model is called in define_table(), it 
> would check whether its boolean data types are CHAR or INT, and save the 
> result somewhere (so it wouldn't have to keep checking.) If the server is 
> restarted, it would once again perform this check. So, a user would run the 
> migration script and simply restart the server.
> On Thursday, July 12, 2012 9:18:33 PM UTC+8, simon wrote:
>> I have just come across this exact same issue. 
>> The web2py adapter converts boolean to char(1) but in MySQL the 
>> specification is that boolean is stored as tinyint with 0 and 1. So web2py 
>> adapter is incorrect. Not changing it perpetuates the mistake.
>> On Sunday, 6 March 2011 05:14:49 UTC, Kevin Ivarsen wrote:
>>> I'm connecting to a legacy MySQL database (migrate=False) with a lot 
>>> of fields declared BOOLEAN, and noticed that attempts to modify these 
>>> fields with the DAL failed. The DAL issues a query like this: 
>>> UPDATE sometable SET someflag='T' WHERE ... 
>>> but this gets rejected by MySQL. 
>>> Reading through dal.py, I see that the "boolean" type maps to CHAR(1) 
>>> in MySQLAdapter, and represent() converts to "T" and "F" values. 
>>> However, the BOOLEAN type is a synonym for TINYINT(1) in MySQL, with 
>>> values 0 or 1, according to: 
>>> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/numeric-type-overview.html 
>>> I can trivially change this behavior in dal.py for my purposes, but it 
>>> would be interested to try to incorporate this into the main web2py 
>>> distribution. Unfortunately, the trivial change will break backwards 
>>> compatibility for people who are already depending on the current 
>>> behavior. Any thoughts on how this could be done in a backwards- 
>>> compatible way, or is it too much of an edge case to worry about? 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> Kevin


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