I am using SQlite database for my web2py application, I have to keep the 
same db instance which is created at first time request comes to model db.py

db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')

database connection is getting closed once request is completed so I am not 
able to use the "db" for some background process like purging the records 
every day so can anyone suggest me the proper way to keep the database 
connection alive irrespective of request?

1. when first time request made , db connection is established, I need to 
keep this connection alive
2. One background scheduler running continuously to check the records in db 
and purge it based on some condition.

Problem facing:
when first request made and get fulfilled, database connection is getting 
closed because of that scheduler is not able to use the db instance and 
start throwing error "Cannot operate on a closed database." every time when 
it tries to execute the job.So I need to keep the "db"instance connected to 
db , how can it be achieved?


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