did you see the messaging plugin?


Em 08/08/2012 01:58, "shartha" <m.mirghorb...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> Hi, I'd like to implement a messaging system (between the users of the
> website), and I need help to implement it. The way I've done it is to
> create a message table that has fields for the sender, receiver, subject,
> body, two boolean fields that shows whether the sender or the receiver have
> deleted the message (such that it's not shown to them). This is not quite
> working. I am thinking there must be a better way to do it, or somebody
> might have already implemented something. The table is defined as:
> db.define_table('messages',
>     Field('recipient_id',db.auth_user, label='To'),
>     Field('subject','string'),
>     Field('body','string'),
>     Field('date','datetime'),
>     Field('sender_id',db.auth_user),
>     Field('sender_deleted','boolean'),
>     Field('recipient_deleted','boolean'),
> )
> and as it obvious, some of the fields are values from the user database.
> Could somebody tell me if I am on the right track or if changes need to be
> made to my structure?
> Thanks!
> --


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