I just uploaded my first app do production under apache and following the 
manual, I wrote a routes.py as follows:

routers = dict(
  BASE  = dict(
      default_application = 'vendasexpress',
      default_controller = 'default',
      default_function = 'index',
      domains = {
          'vendasexpress.com.br': 'vendasexpress',
          'www.vendasexpress.com.br': 'vendasexpress',
          'vendasexpress.rt1.webfactional.com': 'vendasexpress',
          'admin.rt1.webfactional.com': 'admin',

But when I try vendasexpress.com.br or www.vendasexpress.com.br it point me 
to http://vendasexpress.com.br/welcome/default/index.

If I click on register link, it goes to 
http://vendasexpress.com.br/user/register and works! Some links are working 
and some others not. I´m pretty confused on how the routing are going and 
how to correct it.

The admin site (I created an https domais for it), works only if I go to 

That´s our first web2py app in prod and we are in a hurry to finish it, so 
any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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