I'm trying to use supervisord to monitor scheduler workers. 

My supervisord.conf file:
command={my_site_path}/web2py/web2py.py -K my_app

When I launch supervisord, a worker shows up in the scheduler. However, 
when I compare the listed pid in the supervisord console, it doesn't match 
up with the pid of the worker as found in the worker name. Sure enough, 
when I stop or kill the process in supervisord, it has no effect on the 
worker, which keeps on ticking. Meanwhile, the 'killed' worker in the 
supervisord console now shows a pid = 0.

This confuses me because when you launch a worker directly in a terminal 
window, it doesn't daemonize- so I don't understand why supervisord loses 
control of it, and why there are 2 different PIDs. Are there subprocesses 
being launched im not aware of, and if so does anyone have an idea of how 
supervisord can track them?


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