web2py.css includes styling for common html tags in addition to specific 
web2py stuff.  

The loading order in current layout.html is below.


Perhaps we should be loading web2py.css first?  Did you try that?

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012 2:13:12 AM UTC+1, Michael W wrote:
> By default web2py.css is pretty heavy-handed on form controls.  Would it 
> be possible to restrict the form controls in web2py.css by class?  It might 
> require setting a default class on all generated forms.  grid and smartgrid 
> do this already, but using default SQLFORM() does not set a default class 
> on the form currently.  My thought is to change SQLFORM so it sets a 
> default 'web2py_form' class which is what grid and smartgrid already do. I 
> would then restrict all the form controls in web2py.css to this class. 
>  This would make it much easier to use non-web2py css frameworks like 
> bootstrap with forms.  Right now to get it working properly I have to 
> comment/remove a lot from web2py.css to get it using bootstrap fully in my 
> forms, even with the new bootstrap formstyle that's in trunk.
> Would this break anything?
> Michael


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