please try delete eveything in yourapp/databasaes

On Tuesday, 21 August 2012 08:35:52 UTC-5, pjryan126 wrote:
> I'm working through the Friends example in the Web2py Application 
> Cookbook, and when I try the friends.html view, I get the following error:
> <class 'sqlite3.OperationalError'> no such column: auth_user.first_name
> My friends.html view is as follows:
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <h2>Friendship Offered</h2>
> <table>
>   {{for friend in friends:}}
>   <tr>
> <td>{{=A(name_of(db.auth_user(friend.source)),_href=URL('wall',args=friend.source))}}
> </td>
>     <td>{{if friend.accepted:}}accepted{{else:}}<button
> onclick="ajax('{{=URL('friendship',args=('accept',friend.source))}}',
> [],null); $(this).parent().html('accepted')">accept</button>{{pass}}</
> td>
>    <td><button
> onclick="ajax('{{=URL('friendship',args=('deny',friend.source))}}',
> [],null); $(this).parent().html('denied')">deny</button></td>
>   </tr>
>   {{pass}}
> </table>
> <h2>Friendship Requested</h2>
> <table>
>   {{for friend in requests:}}
>   <tr>
> <td>{{=A(name_of(db.auth_user(,_href=URL('wall',}}
> </td>
>     <td>{{if friend.accepted:}}accepted{{else:}}pending{{pass}}</td>
>     <td><button
> onclick="ajax('{{=URL('friendship',args=('deny',}}',
> [],null); $(this).parent().html('removed')">remove</button></td>
>   </tr>
>   {{pass}}
> </table>
> Any help with this error would be greatly appreciated!


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