IS_IN_DB can take a set.  
It is mentioned in the book.
Use something like:  db(db.fruits.isactive==True) in place of db.fruits

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012 10:13:52 PM UTC+1, joe wrote:
> I have a support table with the field 'isactive', which is a boolean. 
>  When someone is adding to a table that is supported by the first table, I 
> want only items with isactive as True to be included in the dropdown.  Here 
> is some simplified example code:
> model
> --------------------------
> db.define_table('fruits',
>     Field('name', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>     Field('isactive', 'boolean'))
> db.define_table('grocery',
>     Field(fruits', db.fruits, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, 
> db.fruits, '%(name)s')), represent=lambda id, row: db.fruits(id).name if id 
> else ''))
> ---------------------------
> In a SQLFORM generated from the grocery table, how can I only show fruits 
> that are active?
> Thanks!
> -Joe Peacock


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