You can but it should be very inefficient.

On Wednesday, 22 August 2012 15:01:44 UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:
> Like can I query the data from the table and use IS_IN_SET istead of 
> IS_IN_DB ?
> On Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:54:51 PM UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:
>> Is there any other way I can try ?
>> I can see the data in the both table no problem. It just cannot use 
>> IS_IN_DB function for it.
>> On Monday, August 20, 2012 2:33:39 PM UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:
>>> >Is the problem only in appadmin?
>>> No, it happnes anywhere.
>>> >Can you produce a minimum program with some sample data to reproduce 
>>> this?
>>> I tried MySQL, MSSQL and DB2, and found only DB2 has this problem.
>>> This is how to reproduce the error on db2. This is very critical for my 
>>> current project and 
>>> I hope we can find the problem or find another way to do the dropdown 
>>> which works on db2.
>>> 1. create table below 
>>> models/
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # coding: utf8
>>> db.define_table('dog',
>>>     Field('dogid'),
>>>     Field('name'),
>>>     format='%(name)s',
>>>     primarykey=['dogid'])
>>> db.define_table('cat',
>>>     Field('catid'),
>>>     Field('name'),
>>>     format='%(name)s',
>>>     primarykey=['catid'])
>>> db.define_table('person',
>>>     Field('personid'),
>>>     Field('name'),
>>>     Field('mydog'),
>>>     Field('mycat'),
>>>     format='%(name)s',
>>>     primarykey=['personid'])
>>> db.person.mydog.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,,'%(name)s')
>>> db.person.mycat.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,,'%(name)s')
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 2. create the table on db2 from dds
>>> person
>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>> A*                                   
>>> A          R PERSONR                 
>>> A*                                   
>>> A            PERSONID       5A       
>>> A            NAME          50A       
>>> A            MYDOG          5A       
>>> A            MYCAT          5A       
>>> A*                                   
>>> A* KEY FIELDS                        
>>> A*------------                       
>>> A          K PERSONID                
>>> A*                                   
>>> ------------------------------------------------- 
>>> Dog
>>> -------------------------------------------------  
>>> A*                                   
>>> A          R DOGR                    
>>> A*                                   
>>> A            DOGID          5A       
>>> A            NAME          50A       
>>> A*                                   
>>> A* KEY FIELDS                        
>>> A*------------                       
>>> A          K DOGID                   
>>> A*                                   
>>> -------------------------------------------------  
>>> Cat
>>> -------------------------------------------------  
>>> A*                                   
>>> A          R CATR                    
>>> A*                                   
>>> A            CATID          5A       
>>> A            NAME          50A       
>>> A*                                   
>>> A* KEY FIELDS                        
>>> A*------------                       
>>> A          K CATID                   
>>> A*                                   
>>> -------------------------------------------------  
>>> 3. Insert test data
>>> -------------------------------------------------   
>>> Dog
>>> dogid = '12345'
>>> name = 'HACHI'
>>> Cat
>>> catid='CAT01'
>>> name = 'TAMA' 
>>> -------------------------------------------------   
>>> 4. Result
>>> I can pull the data from Dog table but not Cat table (see attached)
>>> As you can see the dog and cat table is exactly the same type of table 
>>> but dog has data begin with number 
>>> and cat begin with alphabet.
>>> On Sunday, August 19, 2012 10:08:07 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> Is the problem only in appadmin? Can you produce a minimum program with 
>>>> some sample data to reproduce this?
>>>> On Friday, 17 August 2012 23:56:39 UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:
>>>>> Issue #939 is assigned.
>>>>> On Friday, August 17, 2012 9:51:48 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>>>> Please open a ticket pointing to this thread. Will look at it asap.
>>>>>> On Friday, 17 August 2012 17:33:51 UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:
>>>>>>> I finally figured this should be a bug on the current in trunk 
>>>>>>> version ("Version 2.0.0 (2012-08-15 17:30:38) dev")
>>>>>>> I can pull the data when the data in primarykey field begin with 
>>>>>>> numeric numbers for example 12345 or 1ABCDE (See NG-1,2.jpg)
>>>>>>> but cannot pull the data begin with alphabet like A1234. (See 
>>>>>>> OK-1,2.jpg)
>>>>>>> # MF - EDI CUSTOMER 
>>>>>>> db.define_table('EDMACF00',
>>>>>>>     Field('ACDIID', length=5,  label="Dist Code"),
>>>>>>>     Field('ACNAME', length=20,  label="Dist Name"),
>>>>>>>     Field('AC855F', length=1,  label="PO ACK FLAG"),
>>>>>>>     Field('AC856F', length=1,  label="ASN FLAG"),
>>>>>>>     Field('AC810F', length=1,  label="INVOICE FLAG"),
>>>>>>>     Field('ACUPFL', length=1,  label="OZ UPLOAD FLAG"),
>>>>>>>     Field('ACCRBY', length=20, default = auth.user.username.upper() 
>>>>>>> if auth.user else None, label="Created by"),
>>>>>>>     Field('ACCRDT', 'datetime', default, label="Created 
>>>>>>> on"),    
>>>>>>>     Field('ACUPBY', length=20, update = auth.user.username.upper() 
>>>>>>> if auth.user else None, label="Updated by"),
>>>>>>>     Field('ACUPDT', 'datetime', update, label="Updated 
>>>>>>> on"),  
>>>>>>>     primarykey=['ACDIID'])
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.ACDIID.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),IS_LENGTH(5,1),IS_UPPER()]
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.ACNAME.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),IS_LENGTH(20,1),IS_UPPER()]
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.AC855F.requires=IS_IN_SET(['','1'], zero=None)
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.AC856F.requires=IS_IN_SET(['','1'], zero=None)
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.AC810F.requires=IS_IN_SET(['','1'], zero=None)
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.ACUPFL.writable = db.EDMACF00.ACUPFL.readable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.ACCRBY.writable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.ACCRDT.writable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.ACUPBY.writable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDMACF00.ACUPDT.writable = False
>>>>>>> # XR - CUSTOMER
>>>>>>> db.define_table('EDXTKF00',
>>>>>>>     Field('TKDIID', length=5,  label="Dist Code"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKDICD', length=20, label="Dist Office Code"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKTKSC', length=3,  label="Dept"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKTKCD', length=8,  label="Customer Code"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKDMCD', 'integer',  label="Employee Code"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKUPFL', length=1,  label="OZ UPLOAD FLAG"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKCRBY', length=20, default = auth.user.username.upper() 
>>>>>>> if auth.user else None, label="Created by"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKCRDT', 'datetime', default, label="Created 
>>>>>>> on"),    
>>>>>>>     Field('TKUPBY', length=20, update = auth.user.username.upper() 
>>>>>>> if auth.user else None, label="Updated by"),
>>>>>>>     Field('TKUPDT', 'datetime', update, label="Updated 
>>>>>>> on"),    
>>>>>>>     primarykey=['TKDIID', 'TKDICD'])
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKDIID.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.EDMACF00.ACDIID,'%(ACNAME)s')
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKDICD.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),IS_LENGTH(20,1),IS_UPPER()]
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKTKSC.requires=IS_IN_SET(['J11','J13','J14','J15','J16','J17'])
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKTKCD.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),IS_LENGTH(8,8),IS_UPPER(),IS_IN_DB(db,db.CDMTKL00.TKTSCD)]
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKDMCD.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),IS_INT_IN_RANGE(60000,69999,error_message='Invalid
>>>>>>> length'),IS_IN_DB(db,db.CDMSYL00.SYSYCD)]
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKUPFL.writable = db.EDXTKF00.TKUPFL.readable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKCRBY.writable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKCRDT.writable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKUPBY.writable = False
>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKUPDT.writable = False
>>>>>>> On Friday, August 17, 2012 4:38:00 PM UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:
>>>>>>>> Just in case, I changed just like you suggested but I got a same 
>>>>>>>> result. I can pull the data from other tables on the same database but 
>>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>>> cannot pull the data from this one.... I should be dreaming or getting 
>>>>>>>> crazy... : ( 
>>>>>>>> I first doubt a simple typo but I can't figure out. 
>>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKDIID.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.EDMACF00.ACDIID) 
>>>>>>>> =>
>>>>>>>> db.EDXTKF00.TKDIID.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'EDMACF00.ACDIID')
>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 17, 2012 4:20:42 PM UTC-5, villas wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Specify the field that you wish to appear in the dropdown box
>>>>>>>>> Try what the book says,  'name' is simply the name of the field 
>>>>>>>>> you wish to appear:
>>>>>>>>> = IS_IN_DB(db, '', '%(name)s', 
>>>>>>>>> zero=T('choose one')) 


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