The problem is, you're changing the name of the field in the HTML, but the 
server-side data model is still expecting a variable named "username" 
(which is the name of the field in the database table). I suppose a 
workaround might be something like this in the controller (before:

    if request.post_vars.regForm_username:
        request.post_vars.username = request.post_vars.regForm_username
    registrationForm = auth.register()

That way, the expected "username" variable will be included in 

Can you show an example of a jQuery/Ajax problem with fields in different 
forms having the same name? Can't you just put each form inside a div with 
a unique id and include the id in the jQuery selectors?


On Friday, August 24, 2012 5:23:40 PM UTC-4, shartha wrote:
> This is in my controller:
>         registrationForm = auth.register()
>         UN = registrationForm.element("#user_username")
>         UN["_placeholder"] = "Username"
>         UN["_name"] = "regForm_username"  # This is what causes the error.
> and this is in my view:
>          {{=registrationForm}}
> The registraionForm does not allow me to register a new user if the line 
> that changes the name of the #user_username id exists in the controller. 
> Once you remove it, the registration form starts to work fine. The same 
> occurs with the login form. If you change the name of the username or 
> password field, it doesn't allow you to log in.
> The reason I'd like to change the name of the username field is that it is 
> the same as the one on the login form, and if you happen to have both on 
> the same page, you may encounter issues with jQuery/Ajax functions that 
> pass along their values.
> On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 10:51:12 PM UTC-7, shartha wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> Quick question:
>> Instead of {{=auth.login()}}, I am using the following to be able to 
>> customize my login form. However the resulting form does not work and I 
>> cannot login with the same username/password that enable me to login if I 
>> had used {{=auth.login()}} -- I get the flash error: Invalid Login.
>> Could someone please tell me what's possibly going wrong? Thanks!
>> {{form=auth.login()}}
>> {{=form.custom.begin}} 
>> Username:
>> {{=form.custom.widget.username}}
>> </br>
>> Password:
>> {{=form.custom.widget.password}}
>> {{=form.custom.submit}} 
>> {{=form.custom.end}} 


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