We just added it a couple days ago. If you get a chance to try it, let us 
know if there are any problems.


On Sunday, August 26, 2012 8:55:52 PM UTC-4, Andrew wrote:
> Thanks Anthony,   Wasn't aware of that one, and it looks quite useful.
> On Monday, August 27, 2012 6:29:55 AM UTC+12, Anthony wrote:
>> Often wondered about this too.  You would also have to call them with 
>>> executesql.
>>> So should the dal API support stored procedure , database macro 
>>> definitions and execution? 
>>> Would require work in each database adapter, but could we come up with a 
>>> single interface ?
>> Do you mean for creating stored procedures, or calling them? To call 
>> them, you can use db.executesql(). If you want the returned data to be 
>> parsed into a DAL Rows object like a regular select() would be, you can now 
>> specify a "fields" argument to executesql(). Here's the docstring 
>> explaining its usage:
>> Added 2012-08-24 "fields" optional argument. If not None, the
>> results cursor returned by the DB driver will be converted to a
>> DAL Rows object using the db._adapter.parse() method. This requires
>> specifying the "fields" argument as a list of DAL Field objects
>> that match the fields returned from the DB. The Field objects should
>> be part of one or more Table objects defined on the DAL object.
>> The "fields" list can include one or more DAL Table objects in addition
>> to or instead of including Field objects, or it can be just a single
>> table (not in a list). In that case, the Field objects will be
>> extracted from the table(s).
>> The field names will be extracted from the Field objects, or optionally,
>> a list of field names can be provided (in tablename.fieldname format)
>> via the "colnames" argument. Note, the fields and colnames must be in
>> the same order as the fields in the results cursor returned from the DB.
>> Anthony


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