Maybe OS update had broke something...

In shell I don't think all import are imported, so maybe you have a library

But the only time I get tikect unrecovrable is when there an issue with
permissions over web2py and app files and folders.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Jose Guedez <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I also got this weird error today. The server had been working fine for
> weeks with the same application code and suddenly started displaying this
> error.
> I checked the permissions and even did the recursive chown for the
> application folder as suggested above with no impact.
> This issue seems very weird to me as the index page (dynamic content) was
> displaying fine, including an auth login form. The "Internal Error: ticket
> issued unrecoverable" error appeared when I submitted the form with the
> login credentials or when I clicked on the standard login link
> (GET default/user/login).
> More details:
> -I ran the app in shell mode in parallel (python -S appname -M)
> with no issues, including logging in manually using login_bare - worked
> fine.
> -Trying to connect to another application (admin) led directly to the
> error, not like the index of the app that would serve the landing page.
> -Logs were clean, no errors. The only thing that caught my attention was a
> malformed request that raised a routing issue (it interpreted a filename as
> an arg that expected an int), this happened several minutes before the
> issue. Not sure if it's related at all, but I will try to reproduce it
> during off-hours.
> -I also restarted the webserver...error persisted (Apache 2.2 through wsgi
> - Web2py 1.99.7, apparently just like the OP)
> -No code/configuration changes, the system had been running fine for weeks.
> -The only thing that helped was rebooting the whole server, then the app
> behaved properly, no issues, including admin.
> Any troubleshooting tips?, I can not risk the app failing suddenly for no
> specific reason as I am sure you understand...any help is appreciated.
> On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 9:53:09 AM UTC-5, AbrahamLinksys wrote:
>> Are 100% sure it's not permissions (e.g. you've run chmod recursively on
>> the root of your app)?
>> If so, I've also seen this error when mod_wsgi is misconfigured. In my
>> case, I was able to visit one application (which was the default_app set in
>> routers.BASE) but visiting the other resulted in the unrecoverable ticket.
>> Maybe it was something to do with the applications' contexts becoming
>> mixed... I'm really not sure.
>> Are you running more than one application? If so, you might want to
>> troubleshoot your mod_wsgi setup, try turning one app off, etc. If you're
>> running a single app, then I'm not sure... maybe check the apache config,
>> ensure you're setting the right user and group to the wsgi daemon process
>> as it could still be a permissions issue in that way... although it's
>> curious that your app suddenly started creating 'unrecoverable' tickets.
>> I'm sure you're restarted apache and possibly the machine to make sure
>> it's not just weirdness?
>> -Colin
>> On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 3:36:21 AM UTC-5, r13race wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I made an application using Apache+Web2py+WSGI framework.
>>> It was running fine and all of a sudden as i enter the URL of teh
>>> startup page it directs me to index.html, it works fine.
>>> There i have a login button as i click it, it issues me a ticket
>>> "Unrecoverable"
>>> Its not a problem of permissions i have checked.
>>> Can someone help me??
>>  --


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