We have to perform a series of checks and updates on an auth_user record as 
soon as their registration has been verified.

Previously, we had not required verification and had done everything 
in register_onaccept:
def first_thing(form):
    """ Performs a series of checks for newly registered users."""
    # Send welcome email:
    notify(subject= "Welcome",message="Welcome to our app",email=auth.user.
    # Set trial expiration:
    today = datehelper.get_utc_midnight() # Midnight of current UTC day
    trial_expires_date = today+relativedelta.relativedelta(days=+15)
auth.settings.register_onaccept = first_thing

But now that we require verification on registration, we changed the 
function to be called  on verify_email_onaccept:
auth.settings.verify_email_onaccept = first_thing

The problem is that now we get an error because Auth is None, as the user 
still needs to log in.

So what would be the best way to update an auth_user record the first time 
a user actually logs in?


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