I don't think you can use session to do this.  For one thing, sessions are 
usually have an id saved in the browser's cookie.  If you switch browser, 
this id is lost.

I think you can have a database table (using DAL) whose rows are associated 
with users and are expired after 24 hours.

On Saturday, September 1, 2012 11:38:47 AM UTC-5, monotasker wrote:
> I'd like my app to preserve a "state" for each user for 24-hours, even if 
> s/he 
> - logs out and back in
> - switches browsers
> - switches IP (i.e., uses a different device)
> What would be the best way to do this? 
> I'm already using the session object to preserve state in the app. So I 
> was thinking that when the user first logs in I could save the 
> auth.user_id, datetime and session id in a db table. Then whenever the user 
> visits the site again (or logs in if s/he has logged out) I can 
> (a) check for a row in that table with the current user's id, 
> (b) check that it's datetime wasn't more than 24-hours ago, and 
> (c) if not, then set the current session cookie to point to the old 
> session file on the server (i.e., the old session id)
> If this sounds like a reasonable way to go, how would I trigger this when 
> a session cookie is being created?
> Thanks,
> Ian


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