
2012/9/2 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>

> Can you send me a patch and open a ticket about ignored fields? Thanks.
> On Sunday, 2 September 2012 02:25:56 UTC-5, mweissen wrote:
>> I want to use the export-feature of SQLFORM.grid. There are some
>> proposals and questions:
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**---------
>> (1) Using the parameter *csv=False* or *csv=True* I can only choose no
>> exports or all export formats. But there is a new parameter *
>> exportclasses*. It seems to be intended for new forms of lists. With the
>> following changes the parameter *exportclasses *could be used to switch
>> off some lists e.g. "*csv_with_hidden-cols*"
>> Change gluon/sqlhtml.py, 1839f from
>>             if export_type in exportManager:
>>                 value = exportManager[export_type]
>>                 clazz = value[0] if hasattr(value, '__getitem__') else
>> value
>>                 oExp = clazz(rows)
>>                 filename = '.'.join(('rows', oExp.file_ext))
>>                 response.headers['Content-**Type'] = oExp.content_type
>>                 response.headers['Content-**Disposition'] = \
>>                     'attachment;filename='+**filename+';'
>>                 raise HTTP(200, oExp.export(),**response.**headers)
>> to
>>             if export_type in exportManager:
>>                 value = exportManager[export_type]
>>                 *if value:*
>>                     clazz = value[0] if hasattr(value, '__getitem__')
>> else value
>>                     oExp = clazz(rows)
>>                     filename = '.'.join(('rows', oExp.file_ext))
>>                     response.headers['Content-**Type'] =
>> oExp.content_type
>>                     response.headers['Content-**Disposition'] = \
>>                         'attachment;filename='+**filename+';'
>>                     raise HTTP(200, oExp.export(),**response.**headers)
>> and lines 2081f from
>>         if csv and nrows:
>>             export_links =[]
>>             for k,v in sorted(exportManager.items()):
>>                 label = v[1] if hasattr(v, "__getitem__") else k
>>                 link = url2(vars=dict(
>>                         order=request.vars.order or '',
>>                         _export_type=k,
>>                         keywords=request.vars.keywords or ''))
>>                 export_links.append(A(T(label)**,_href=link))
>>             export_menu = \
>>                 DIV(T('Export:'),_class="w2p_**
>> export_menu",*export_links)
>> to:
>>         if csv and nrows:
>>             export_links =[]
>>             for k,v in sorted(exportManager.items()):
>>                 *if v:*
>>                     label = v[1] if hasattr(v, "__getitem__") else k
>>                     link = url2(vars=dict(
>>                             order=request.vars.order or '',
>>                             _export_type=k,
>>                             keywords=request.vars.keywords or ''))
>>                     export_links.append(A(T(label)**,_href=link))
>>             export_menu = \
>>                 DIV(T('Export:'),_class="w2p_**export_menu"
>> ,*export_links)
>> Now something like
>> exportclasses={'csv_with_**hidden_cols':*None*},
>> would switch off csv_with_hidden_cols
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**---------
>> .
>> (2) There is a css-class w2p_export_menu in the menu, but I could not
>> find a class definition in web2py.css. I think something like
>> .w2p_export_menu a {
>>      margin-left: 0.5em;
>>      border-left: 1px solid #000;
>>      padding-left: 0.5em;
>> }
>> .w2p_export_menu a:first-child {
>>     margin-left: 0; border-left: none;
>> }
>> is missing in web2py.css
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**---------
>> (3) I think only the columns listed in
>> SQLFORM.grid(...fields=[..]...**)
>> should be exported, but I always get all columns. Who has an idea?
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**---------
>> (4) tsv-export:
>> If there is a field like
>> Field('persons','list:**reference auth_user')
>> the tsv-export puts every part of this list in its own column, but all
>> persons should be in one column.
>> In other words: if there is one row with 2 persons and another row with 3
>> persons the excel-table is scattered.
>> The csv-file shows the list of persons separated with "|"s
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**---------
>> Regards, Martin
>>  --


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