Also, you can now create your own formstyle function, which should take the 
form object and a list of field tuples (each field tuple includes the id, 
label, controls, and comment for the field) and return the DOM you want 
displayed in the form (i.e., the part that goes inside <form></form>). 
Internally, this is how all the formstyles now work (each has its own 
function). To see how they work, check out the code:


On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 7:49:45 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> For Crud, it's a setting:
> crud.settings.formstyle = 'bootstrap'
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 5:36:55 AM UTC-4, Alec Taylor wrote:
>> Unfortunately that didn't work:
>> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> create() got an unexpected keyword argument 
>> 'formstyle' <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> update() got an unexpected 
>> keyword argument 'formstyle'
>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Niphlod <> wrote:
>>> should be formstyle='bootstrap', the same way you use formstyle=divs , 
>>> ul, etc
>>> Il giorno martedì 4 settembre 2012 10:34:07 UTC+2, Alec Taylor ha 
>>> scritto:
>>>> Thanks, but I can't seem to find anything in the release about how to 
>>>> use bootstrap with forms:**
>>>> forum/#!topic/web2py/**0Uk5b34LUsc<!topic/web2py/0Uk5b34LUsc>
>>>> (Note that I'm using crud.create and crud.update)
>>>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Niphlod <> wrote:
>>>>> the code is out there on 
>>>>> but included in web2py 2.0.6 there is other code for bootstrap-compatible 
>>>>> forms
>>>>> Il giorno martedì 4 settembre 2012 05:03:59 UTC+2, Alec Taylor ha 
>>>>> scritto:
>>>>>> Hi Niphlod,
>>>>>> Now that web2py 2 has been released, could you release the code for 
>>>>>> your form manipulation?
>>>>>> Thanks a heap,
>>>>>> Alec taylor
>>>>>> On Sunday, May 20, 2012 2:48:57 AM UTC+10, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>> me too, but in a different way.
>>>>>>> I'm working on an app and waiting for web2py 2.0 to release it to 
>>>>>>> the public.
>>>>>>> It contains a function able to serialize form in "bootstrap" styles 
>>>>>>> (i.e. form-horizontal, form-vertical, form-inline) ....
>>>>>>> With some additional work maybe that could be included to provide 
>>>>>>> more than the current 'table3cols', 'table2cols', 'divs', 'ul' styles 
>>>>>>> of 
>>>>>>> the forms.
>>>>>>> Right now it's called into the view, i.e.:
>>>>>>> {{=twitter_form(form, 'form-vertical')}}
>>>>>>> Il giorno sabato 19 maggio 2012 11:10:30 UTC+2, Pystar ha scritto:
>>>>>>>> Hi matt,
>>>>>>>> I have been working extensively with bootstrap with web2py and I 
>>>>>>>> can say the approach you are taking is the best way. 
>>>>>>>> This is my solution
>>>>>>>> #########controller###########****#########3
>>>>>>>> form = SQLFORM(db.blahblah)
>>>>>>>> if form.accepts(request, session, hideerrror=True):
>>>>>>>>     blahblah
>>>>>>>> the hideerror=True is what does the magic.
>>>>>>>> It prevents your forms from displaying the error messages in the 
>>>>>>>> default position which is below the form field.
>>>>>>>> In your views, you can now display your error messages by doing
>>>>>>>> <span class="help-inline">{{=form.**er**rors["post"]}}</span>
>>>>>>>> make sure you put the above in a conditional IF, ElSE block or else 
>>>>>>>> the errors will be displayed whether you have errors in your form or 
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> On Sunday, May 13, 2012 4:35:52 AM UTC+1, Matt wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Everybody,
>>>>>>>>> I'm using bootstrap for a project with web2py.
>>>>>>>>> I want to create forms that mirror the standard approach taken by 
>>>>>>>>> the bootstrap framework.
>>>>>>>>>  They wrap each "control" like so:
>>>>>>>>>   <div class="control-group error">
>>>>>>>>>         <label class="control-label" for="inputError">Input with 
>>>>>>>>> error</label>
>>>>>>>>>         <div class="controls">
>>>>>>>>>           <input type="text" id="inputError">
>>>>>>>>>           <span class="help-inline">Please correct the error</span>
>>>>>>>>>           <p class="help-block">A comment for the field goes 
>>>>>>>>> here.</p>
>>>>>>>>>         </div>
>>>>>>>>>       </div>
>>>>>>>>> Since this is custom code I using form.custom and form.fields for 
>>>>>>>>> output the HTML myself.
>>>>>>>>> One small problem I've run up against in that when I do the 
>>>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>>>> {{= form.custom.widget.full_name }}
>>>>>>>>> If there is a form _error_ the following is output:
>>>>>>>>> <input class="invalidinput" id="xyz_full_name" name="full_name" 
>>>>>>>>> type="text" value="">
>>>>>>>>> *<div class="error" id="full_name__error">please enter their full 
>>>>>>>>> name</div>*
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> Is there anyway to suppress the div or change it so that it can 
>>>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>>>> *<span class="help-inline">please enter their full name**</span>*
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> Instead?
>>>>>>>>> Any help or suggestion for this would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>>  -- 
>>>>  -- 


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