Please open a ticket and we will try restore previous behavior

On Tuesday, 4 September 2012 12:06:02 UTC-5, caps.i.sin wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a question about the code editor on the administrative interface :
> When I edit a code (for example a controller) I save it with [Ctrl + S].
> If there are any errors on my python code, the field "Last saved on" has a 
> yellow background.
> On my previous web2py version, when I had an error, a popup was displayed 
> with the description of the python error.
> So currently if I make a mistake, I know there is an error (yellow 
> background) but I have no more information about the problem.
> Is it a normal behaviour? or did I miss something?
> Thank you, and sorry for my bad english
> My configuration : Web2py 2.03 binaries on Windows 7 pro x64 and Mozilla 
> Firefox 14.0.1


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