The web2py modifications include the 

{{def SKYPE(number,phone):}}
<a href='{{response.write("tel:" if is_mobile else "callto:")

So I can use SKYPE('xxx-xxx-xxxx','+1xxxxxxxxxx') which expands to <a 
href="callto:+1xxxxxxxxxx>xxx-xxx-xxxx</a> or "tel:" on mobiles which seems 
to be the recommendation as far I can find.

I use DEFER to delay the loading of images since the code is written using 
document.write which allows the html to load first, it also works if 
javascript is disabled since I use <noscript> to handle that. I use it as 
follows {{=DEFER(URL('static/images','staff.jpg'),'Staff')}} and that 
generates code like

<noscript><img src="/welcome/static/images/staff.jpg" alt="Staff"
/></noscript><script language="JavaScript">resizeImage(

You can see the source for resizeImage at the website, but I wrap the image 
in a <a> tag which opens the full size version of the image (unless it was 
already full size), and loads the image from 1280/ 1024/ 960/ 800/ etc 
directories. This means that mobile devices can be served a lower size 
image to cut down on the bandwidth used, and also allows for the tweaks 
rather than just a straight size reduction such as cropping a particular 
image at lower resolutions.

I added the code for DEFER to as

class DEFER(XmlComponent):

    tag = 'IMG'

    def __init__(self,url,alt=None,_class=None):
        self.url = url
        self.text = '<noscript><img src="' + url + '"'
        if alt:
            self.text += ' alt="' + alt + '"'
        if _class:
            self.text += ' class="' + _class + '"'
        self.text += '/></noscript><script language="JavaScript">'
        dir = url.rfind('/') + 1
        self.text += 'resizeImage("' + url[:dir] + '","' + url[dir:] + '","'
        if alt:
            self.text += alt
        self.text += '","'
        if _class:
            self.text += _class
        self.text += '")'
        self.text += '</script>\n'

    def xml(self):
        return self.text

I think it should have an extra parameter to control whether it should 
include the <a> wrapping around the image.

Neil Harding

On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 5:15:47 AM UTC-7, Alan wrote:
> responsive layouts are pretty amazing, working through my own design at 
> the moment after following the guide below:
> might want to take a look so that the menu alters to a select dropdown to 
> be more mobile friendly.
> not sure i get what you mean on modifying web2py, the media screen part of 
> the above tutorial should come in handy for scaled images along with the 
> flexslider code - this is what i intend to do.


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