Hi to all 

I want to use the html helper MENU to have in the page footer a menu 
totally exploded without sliding items.
I changed the css classes and everything looks fine but I don't want the 
first level menu items to be clickable

 so the first thing I tried was the server-side parsing to remove 
unnecessary tags but in a web2py shell I got

mlist = ... well formatted web2py menu list

In [40]: mmenu = MENU(mlist)

 In [41]: mitems = mmenu.elements('a')
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/opt/web2py/applications/happy/models/menu.py in <module>()
----> 1 mmenu.elements('a')

/opt/web2py/gluon/html.pyc in elements(self, *args, **kargs)
   1079         # loop the components

   1080         if find_text or find_components:
-> 1081             for i, c in enumerate(self.components):
   1082                 if check and find_text and isinstance(c, str) and \
   1083                    ((is_regex and find_text.search(c)) or 
(str(find_text) in c)):

AttributeError: 'MENU' object has no attribute 'components'

Is MENU helper supposed to work with sever side DOM parsing? Is web2py 
ipython Shell fault?   
Can you suggest something better to try to have first level items menu seem 
like simple labels?

Thanks to all


Sys info
Python 2.7.3
web2py 2.0.8


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