I found the reason of this wrong behavior.

The elements having class "row" inherit the width from "container", as you 
know, but they have a negative margin-left (-20px).
The negative margin-left is balanced out with the margin-left of the 
elements having class "span*" (20px)

In our case we had:
 <span12> margin-left = 20px
 <row> margin-left = -20px
 <span9> margin-left = 20px

obtaining a margin-left total of 20px

Removing ".span12", things are balanced out again. Therefore, as Annet 
noted, we have to strictly follow bootstrap layout: "span*" elements 
wrapped in a "row" element. 
Latter statement is clearly showed in "Nesting columns" paragraph at 

Last trunk of web2py has layout.html corrected.


Il giorno mercoledì 12 settembre 2012 20:48:29 UTC+2, dundee ha scritto:
> Thanks again Annet and all the others who took the time to respond to my 
> question.
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Annet <anne...@googlemail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> @Massimo,
>> aha! Thanks Annet, this fixes a long standing problem.
>> Well, Anthony already mentioned the span12, I just provided my solution 
>> to the problem.
>> @Dundee
>> In an external style sheet I defined:
>> .pad {padding: 18px;}
>> .pad-hor {padding: 0px 18px;}
>> .pad-vert {padding: 18px 0px;}
>> I use these selectors in the following way:
>> <header class="header mastheader">
>>   <div class="row">
>>     <div class="span12 pad">
>>     </div> <!--/.span12 -->
>>   </div> <!-- /.row -->
>> </header>
>> Kind regards,
>> Annet.
>> -- 


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