I'm receiving an invalid syntax error when running from Windows.  I do not 
receive the error when running the same code from my Webfaction account on 
CentOS.  The error appears to be related to compiling of the code.  I assume 
the compile code is taking issue with the HTML helper functions which allow 
_myattribute="Value" to be translated into the HTML myattribute="Value".  Am I 
just missing something simple?  This has been driving me crazy.  


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "M:\My Documents\EstateCommander\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 208, 
in restricted
    ccode = compile2(code,layer)
  File "M:\My Documents\EstateCommander\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 193, 
in compile2
    return compile(code.rstrip().replace('\r\n','\n')+'\n', layer, 'exec')
  File "C:/Users/Mike/Documents/My 
<>, line 15
    table = TABLE(*rows, _border="0", _align="center", _width="50%")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

P.S. I tried applying the html_helpers tag to this post but kept receiving the 
error message: An error (#357) occurred while communicating with the server.

After some quick googling it appears google groups does not like underscores in 
tags; hyphens seem to work though (source 

I've also been having this problem when trying to create a [NEW POST] from the 
web interface.  (The welcome message is only 4 words long!)

After about an hour of banging my head against the wall, it turns out that the 
problem was with the Tags having 2 words and certain characters.

Examples of Tags that worked, didn't work:

Tag - Result
milk/honey - Not OK Error Message 357
milk_honey -  Not OK Error Message 357
milk-honey - OK, Message Posted
(  no tag  ) - OK, Message Posted

So, there you go.  


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