Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (246648 => 246649)
--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog 2019-06-20 20:06:49 UTC (rev 246648)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog 2019-06-20 20:10:06 UTC (rev 246649)
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2019-06-20 Saam Barati <sbar...@apple.com>
+ [WHLSL] Property resolver needs to recurse on newValueExpression for RMW operations
+ https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199037
+ Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.
+ * webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies-expected.txt: Added.
+ * webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies.html: Added.
2019-06-20 Justin Fan <justin_...@apple.com>
[WebGPU] High Sierra/Intel HD Graphics 4000: whlsl-harness-test.html crashes during dispatch call.
Added: trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies-expected.txt (0 => 246649)
--- trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies-expected.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies-expected.txt 2019-06-20 20:10:06 UTC (rev 246649)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+PASS successfullyParsed is true
+PASS resultsFloat32Array[0] is 66
Added: trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies.html (0 => 246649)
--- trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies.html (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies.html 2019-06-20 20:10:06 UTC (rev 246649)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<script src=""
+const shaderSource = `
+bool fill(thread float4x4* mat, float value)
+ float4x4 result;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) {
+ result[i] = float4(value, value, value, value);
+ }
+ *mat = result;
+ return true;
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+compute void computeShader(device float[] buffer : register(u0), float3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ float4x4 mat;
+ fill(&mat, 4);
+ float4 vec;
+ vec[0] += mat[0][0] + mat[0][1] + mat[3][2];
+ float value = 42;
+ value += vec[0];
+ mat[0][0] += (mat[0][0] += (value += mat[0][0]));
+ buffer[uint(threadID.x)] = mat[0][0];
+let resultsFloat32Array;
+async function start() {
+ const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({code: shaderSource, isWHLSL: true});
+ const computeStage = {module: shaderModule, entryPoint: "computeShader"};
+ const bindGroupLayoutDescriptor = {bindings: [{binding: 0, visibility: 7, type: "storage-buffer"}]};
+ const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout(bindGroupLayoutDescriptor);
+ const pipelineLayoutDescriptor = {bindGroupLayouts: [bindGroupLayout]};
+ const pipelineLayout = device.createPipelineLayout(pipelineLayoutDescriptor);
+ const computePipelineDescriptor = {computeStage, layout: pipelineLayout};
+ const computePipeline = device.createComputePipeline(computePipelineDescriptor);
+ const size = Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 1;
+ const bufferDescriptor = {size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.MAP_WRITE | GPUBufferUsage.TRANSFER_SRC};
+ const buffer = device.createBuffer(bufferDescriptor);
+ const bufferArrayBuffer = await buffer.mapWriteAsync();
+ const bufferFloat32Array = new Float32Array(bufferArrayBuffer);
+ bufferFloat32Array[0] = 0;
+ buffer.unmap();
+ const resultsBufferDescriptor = {size, usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.TRANSFER_DST | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ};
+ const resultsBuffer = device.createBuffer(resultsBufferDescriptor);
+ const bufferBinding = {buffer: resultsBuffer, size};
+ const bindGroupBinding = {binding: 0, resource: bufferBinding};
+ const bindGroupDescriptor = {layout: bindGroupLayout, bindings: [bindGroupBinding]};
+ const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup(bindGroupDescriptor);
+ const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); // {}
+ commandEncoder.copyBufferToBuffer(buffer, 0, resultsBuffer, 0, size);
+ const computePassEncoder = commandEncoder.beginComputePass();
+ computePassEncoder.setPipeline(computePipeline);
+ computePassEncoder.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
+ computePassEncoder.dispatch(1, 1, 1);
+ computePassEncoder.endPass();
+ const commandBuffer = commandEncoder.finish();
+ device.getQueue().submit([commandBuffer]);
+ const resultsArrayBuffer = await resultsBuffer.mapReadAsync();
+ resultsFloat32Array = new Float32Array(resultsArrayBuffer);
+ shouldBe("resultsFloat32Array[0]", "66");
+ resultsBuffer.unmap();
+if (window.testRunner)
+ testRunner.waitUntilDone();
+window.addEventListener("load", function() {
+ start().then(function() {
+ if (window.testRunner)
+ testRunner.notifyDone();
+ }, function() {
+ if (window.testRunner)
+ testRunner.notifyDone();
+ });
+<script src=""
Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (246648 => 246649)
--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog 2019-06-20 20:06:49 UTC (rev 246648)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog 2019-06-20 20:10:06 UTC (rev 246649)
@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
+2019-06-20 Saam Barati <sbar...@apple.com>
+ [WHLSL] Property resolver needs to recurse on newValueExpression for RMW operations
+ https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199037
+ Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.
+ When we had an _expression_ like `<e1> += <e2>`, we weren't running the property
+ resolver on <e2>. If <e2> was something like `mat[1][2]`, we wouldn't end up
+ simplifying that into the needed getter calls. This patch fixes this by having
+ the property resolver recurse on <e2>.
+ This patch also fixes a bug in the property resolver where we weren't marking some
+ dereference expressions as LValues. This was causing bugs in the metal code generator.
+ This patch also adds a way to dump the AST between passes that are
+ guaranteed to not fail.
+ Test: webgpu/whlsl-read-modify-write-high-zombies.html
+ * Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPrepare.cpp:
+ (WebCore::WHLSL::prepareShared):
+ * Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPropertyResolver.cpp:
+ (WebCore::WHLSL::PropertyResolver::visit):
+ * Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLStandardLibrary.txt:
2019-06-20 John Wilander <wilan...@apple.com>
Storage Access API: Cap the number of times an iframe document can request access
Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPrepare.cpp (246648 => 246649)
--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPrepare.cpp 2019-06-20 20:06:49 UTC (rev 246648)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPrepare.cpp 2019-06-20 20:10:06 UTC (rev 246649)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
return dumpASTIfNeeded(dumpASTAtEnd, program, "AST at end");
-#define RUN_PASS(pass, ...) \
+#define CHECK_PASS(pass, ...) \
do { \
dumpASTBetweenEachPassIfNeeded(program, "AST before " # pass); \
if (!pass(__VA_ARGS__)) { \
@@ -99,8 +99,13 @@
return WTF::nullopt; \
} \
} while (0)
+#define RUN_PASS(pass, ...) \
+ do { \
+ dumpASTBetweenEachPassIfNeeded(program, "AST before " # pass); \
+ pass(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while (0)
static Optional<Program> prepareShared(String& whlslSource)
Program program;
@@ -121,27 +126,27 @@
NameResolver nameResolver(program.nameContext());
- RUN_PASS(resolveNamesInTypes, program, nameResolver);
- RUN_PASS(checkRecursiveTypes, program);
- RUN_PASS(synthesizeStructureAccessors, program);
- RUN_PASS(synthesizeEnumerationFunctions, program);
- RUN_PASS(synthesizeArrayOperatorLength, program);
- RUN_PASS(resolveTypeNamesInFunctions, program, nameResolver);
- RUN_PASS(synthesizeConstructors, program);
- RUN_PASS(resolveCallsInFunctions, program, nameResolver);
- RUN_PASS(checkDuplicateFunctions, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(resolveNamesInTypes, program, nameResolver);
+ CHECK_PASS(checkRecursiveTypes, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(synthesizeStructureAccessors, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(synthesizeEnumerationFunctions, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(synthesizeArrayOperatorLength, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(resolveTypeNamesInFunctions, program, nameResolver);
+ CHECK_PASS(synthesizeConstructors, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(resolveCallsInFunctions, program, nameResolver);
+ CHECK_PASS(checkDuplicateFunctions, program);
- RUN_PASS(check, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(check, program);
- checkLiteralTypes(program);
- RUN_PASS(checkTextureReferences, program);
- RUN_PASS(autoInitializeVariables, program);
- resolveProperties(program);
- findHighZombies(program);
- RUN_PASS(checkStatementBehavior, program);
- RUN_PASS(checkRecursion, program);
- RUN_PASS(checkFunctionStages, program);
- preserveVariableLifetimes(program);
+ RUN_PASS(checkLiteralTypes, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(checkTextureReferences, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(autoInitializeVariables, program);
+ RUN_PASS(resolveProperties, program);
+ RUN_PASS(findHighZombies, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(checkStatementBehavior, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(checkRecursion, program);
+ CHECK_PASS(checkFunctionStages, program);
+ RUN_PASS(preserveVariableLifetimes, program);
Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPropertyResolver.cpp (246648 => 246649)
--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPropertyResolver.cpp 2019-06-20 20:06:49 UTC (rev 246648)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLPropertyResolver.cpp 2019-06-20 20:10:06 UTC (rev 246649)
@@ -546,6 +546,10 @@
void PropertyResolver::visit(AST::ReadModifyWriteExpression& readModifyWriteExpression)
+ checkErrorAndVisit(readModifyWriteExpression.newValueExpression());
+ if (error())
+ return;
if (readModifyWriteExpression.leftValue().typeAnnotation().leftAddressSpace()) {
// Consider a++;
// This would get transformed into:
@@ -588,7 +592,7 @@
auto dereferenceExpression = makeUniqueRef<AST::DereferenceExpression>(Lexer::Token(readModifyWriteExpression.origin()), WTFMove(variableReference1));
- dereferenceExpression->setTypeAnnotation(AST::RightValue());
+ dereferenceExpression->setTypeAnnotation(AST::LeftValue { AST::AddressSpace::Thread }); // FIXME: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198169 Is this right?
auto variableReference2 = readModifyWriteExpression.oldVariableReference();
@@ -621,7 +625,7 @@
auto dereferenceExpression = makeUniqueRef<AST::DereferenceExpression>(Lexer::Token(readModifyWriteExpression.origin()), WTFMove(variableReference1));
- dereferenceExpression->setTypeAnnotation(AST::RightValue());
+ dereferenceExpression->setTypeAnnotation(AST::LeftValue { AST::AddressSpace::Thread }); // FIXME: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198169 Is this right?
auto variableReference2 = readModifyWriteExpression.newVariableReference();
Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLStandardLibrary.txt (246648 => 246649)
--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLStandardLibrary.txt 2019-06-20 20:06:49 UTC (rev 246648)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/webgpu/WHLSL/WHLSLStandardLibrary.txt 2019-06-20 20:10:06 UTC (rev 246649)
@@ -619,25 +619,25 @@
float4 mul(float4x4 x, float4 y) {
float4 result;
result[0] = 0;
- result[0] = result[0] + x[0][0] * y[0];
- result[0] = result[0] + x[0][1] * y[1];
- result[0] = result[0] + x[0][2] * y[2];
- result[0] = result[0] + x[0][3] * y[3];
+ result[0] += x[0][0] * y[0];
+ result[0] += x[0][1] * y[1];
+ result[0] += x[0][2] * y[2];
+ result[0] += x[0][3] * y[3];
result[1] = 0;
- result[1] = result[1] + x[1][0] * y[0];
- result[1] = result[1] + x[1][1] * y[1];
- result[1] = result[1] + x[1][2] * y[2];
- result[1] = result[1] + x[1][3] * y[3];
+ result[1] += x[1][0] * y[0];
+ result[1] += x[1][1] * y[1];
+ result[1] += x[1][2] * y[2];
+ result[1] += x[1][3] * y[3];
result[2] = 0;
- result[2] = result[2] + x[2][0] * y[0];
- result[2] = result[2] + x[2][1] * y[1];
- result[2] = result[2] + x[2][2] * y[2];
- result[2] = result[2] + x[2][3] * y[3];
+ result[2] += x[2][0] * y[0];
+ result[2] += x[2][1] * y[1];
+ result[2] += x[2][2] * y[2];
+ result[2] += x[2][3] * y[3];
result[3] = 0;
- result[3] = result[3] + x[3][0] * y[0];
- result[3] = result[3] + x[3][1] * y[1];
- result[3] = result[3] + x[3][2] * y[2];
- result[3] = result[3] + x[3][3] * y[3];
+ result[3] += x[3][0] * y[0];
+ result[3] += x[3][1] * y[1];
+ result[3] += x[3][2] * y[2];
+ result[3] += x[3][3] * y[3];
return result;
@@ -644,85 +644,85 @@
float4x4 mul(float4x4 x, float4x4 y) {
float4x4 result;
result[0][0] = 0;
- result[0][0] = result[0][0] + x[0][0] * y[0][0];
- result[0][0] = result[0][0] + x[0][1] * y[1][0];
- result[0][0] = result[0][0] + x[0][2] * y[2][0];
- result[0][0] = result[0][0] + x[0][3] * y[3][0];
+ result[0][0] += x[0][0] * y[0][0];
+ result[0][0] += x[0][1] * y[1][0];
+ result[0][0] += x[0][2] * y[2][0];
+ result[0][0] += x[0][3] * y[3][0];
result[0][1] = 0;
- result[0][1] = result[0][1] + x[0][0] * y[0][1];
- result[0][1] = result[0][1] + x[0][1] * y[1][1];
- result[0][1] = result[0][1] + x[0][2] * y[2][1];
- result[0][1] = result[0][1] + x[0][3] * y[3][1];
+ result[0][1] += x[0][0] * y[0][1];
+ result[0][1] += x[0][1] * y[1][1];
+ result[0][1] += x[0][2] * y[2][1];
+ result[0][1] += x[0][3] * y[3][1];
result[0][2] = 0;
- result[0][2] = result[0][2] + x[0][0] * y[0][2];
- result[0][2] = result[0][2] + x[0][1] * y[1][2];
- result[0][2] = result[0][2] + x[0][2] * y[2][2];
- result[0][2] = result[0][2] + x[0][3] * y[3][2];
+ result[0][2] += x[0][0] * y[0][2];
+ result[0][2] += x[0][1] * y[1][2];
+ result[0][2] += x[0][2] * y[2][2];
+ result[0][2] += x[0][3] * y[3][2];
result[0][3] = 0;
- result[0][3] = result[0][3] + x[0][0] * y[0][3];
- result[0][3] = result[0][3] + x[0][1] * y[1][3];
- result[0][3] = result[0][3] + x[0][2] * y[2][3];
- result[0][3] = result[0][3] + x[0][3] * y[3][3];
+ result[0][3] += x[0][0] * y[0][3];
+ result[0][3] += x[0][1] * y[1][3];
+ result[0][3] += x[0][2] * y[2][3];
+ result[0][3] += x[0][3] * y[3][3];
result[1][0] = 0;
- result[1][0] = result[1][0] + x[1][0] * y[0][0];
- result[1][0] = result[1][0] + x[1][1] * y[1][0];
- result[1][0] = result[1][0] + x[1][2] * y[2][0];
- result[1][0] = result[1][0] + x[1][3] * y[3][0];
+ result[1][0] += x[1][0] * y[0][0];
+ result[1][0] += x[1][1] * y[1][0];
+ result[1][0] += x[1][2] * y[2][0];
+ result[1][0] += x[1][3] * y[3][0];
result[1][1] = 0;
- result[1][1] = result[1][1] + x[1][0] * y[0][1];
- result[1][1] = result[1][1] + x[1][1] * y[1][1];
- result[1][1] = result[1][1] + x[1][2] * y[2][1];
- result[1][1] = result[1][1] + x[1][3] * y[3][1];
+ result[1][1] += x[1][0] * y[0][1];
+ result[1][1] += x[1][1] * y[1][1];
+ result[1][1] += x[1][2] * y[2][1];
+ result[1][1] += x[1][3] * y[3][1];
result[1][2] = 0;
- result[1][2] = result[1][2] + x[1][0] * y[0][2];
- result[1][2] = result[1][2] + x[1][1] * y[1][2];
- result[1][2] = result[1][2] + x[1][2] * y[2][2];
- result[1][2] = result[1][2] + x[1][3] * y[3][2];
+ result[1][2] += x[1][0] * y[0][2];
+ result[1][2] += x[1][1] * y[1][2];
+ result[1][2] += x[1][2] * y[2][2];
+ result[1][2] += x[1][3] * y[3][2];
result[1][3] = 0;
- result[1][3] = result[1][3] + x[1][0] * y[0][3];
- result[1][3] = result[1][3] + x[1][1] * y[1][3];
- result[1][3] = result[1][3] + x[1][2] * y[2][3];
- result[1][3] = result[1][3] + x[1][3] * y[3][3];
+ result[1][3] += x[1][0] * y[0][3];
+ result[1][3] += x[1][1] * y[1][3];
+ result[1][3] += x[1][2] * y[2][3];
+ result[1][3] += x[1][3] * y[3][3];
result[2][0] = 0;
- result[2][0] = result[2][0] + x[2][0] * y[0][0];
- result[2][0] = result[2][0] + x[2][1] * y[1][0];
- result[2][0] = result[2][0] + x[2][2] * y[2][0];
- result[2][0] = result[2][0] + x[2][3] * y[3][0];
+ result[2][0] += x[2][0] * y[0][0];
+ result[2][0] += x[2][1] * y[1][0];
+ result[2][0] += x[2][2] * y[2][0];
+ result[2][0] += x[2][3] * y[3][0];
result[2][1] = 0;
- result[2][1] = result[2][1] + x[2][0] * y[0][1];
- result[2][1] = result[2][1] + x[2][1] * y[1][1];
- result[2][1] = result[2][1] + x[2][2] * y[2][1];
- result[2][1] = result[2][1] + x[2][3] * y[3][1];
+ result[2][1] += x[2][0] * y[0][1];
+ result[2][1] += x[2][1] * y[1][1];
+ result[2][1] += x[2][2] * y[2][1];
+ result[2][1] += x[2][3] * y[3][1];
result[2][2] = 0;
- result[2][2] = result[2][2] + x[2][0] * y[0][2];
- result[2][2] = result[2][2] + x[2][1] * y[1][2];
- result[2][2] = result[2][2] + x[2][2] * y[2][2];
- result[2][2] = result[2][2] + x[2][3] * y[3][2];
+ result[2][2] += x[2][0] * y[0][2];
+ result[2][2] += x[2][1] * y[1][2];
+ result[2][2] += x[2][2] * y[2][2];
+ result[2][2] += x[2][3] * y[3][2];
result[2][3] = 0;
- result[2][3] = result[2][3] + x[2][0] * y[0][3];
- result[2][3] = result[2][3] + x[2][1] * y[1][3];
- result[2][3] = result[2][3] + x[2][2] * y[2][3];
- result[2][3] = result[2][3] + x[2][3] * y[3][3];
+ result[2][3] += x[2][0] * y[0][3];
+ result[2][3] += x[2][1] * y[1][3];
+ result[2][3] += x[2][2] * y[2][3];
+ result[2][3] += x[2][3] * y[3][3];
result[3][0] = 0;
- result[3][0] = result[3][0] + x[3][0] * y[0][0];
- result[3][0] = result[3][0] + x[3][1] * y[1][0];
- result[3][0] = result[3][0] + x[3][2] * y[2][0];
- result[3][0] = result[3][0] + x[3][3] * y[3][0];
+ result[3][0] += x[3][0] * y[0][0];
+ result[3][0] += x[3][1] * y[1][0];
+ result[3][0] += x[3][2] * y[2][0];
+ result[3][0] += x[3][3] * y[3][0];
result[3][1] = 0;
- result[3][1] = result[3][1] + x[3][0] * y[0][1];
- result[3][1] = result[3][1] + x[3][1] * y[1][1];
- result[3][1] = result[3][1] + x[3][2] * y[2][1];
- result[3][1] = result[3][1] + x[3][3] * y[3][1];
+ result[3][1] += x[3][0] * y[0][1];
+ result[3][1] += x[3][1] * y[1][1];
+ result[3][1] += x[3][2] * y[2][1];
+ result[3][1] += x[3][3] * y[3][1];
result[3][2] = 0;
- result[3][2] = result[3][2] + x[3][0] * y[0][2];
- result[3][2] = result[3][2] + x[3][1] * y[1][2];
- result[3][2] = result[3][2] + x[3][2] * y[2][2];
- result[3][2] = result[3][2] + x[3][3] * y[3][2];
+ result[3][2] += x[3][0] * y[0][2];
+ result[3][2] += x[3][1] * y[1][2];
+ result[3][2] += x[3][2] * y[2][2];
+ result[3][2] += x[3][3] * y[3][2];
result[3][3] = 0;
- result[3][3] = result[3][3] + x[3][0] * y[0][3];
- result[3][3] = result[3][3] + x[3][1] * y[1][3];
- result[3][3] = result[3][3] + x[3][2] * y[2][3];
- result[3][3] = result[3][3] + x[3][3] * y[3][3];
+ result[3][3] += x[3][0] * y[0][3];
+ result[3][3] += x[3][1] * y[1][3];
+ result[3][3] += x[3][2] * y[2][3];
+ result[3][3] += x[3][3] * y[3][3];
return result;