Title: [251543] trunk/Source/WebCore
2019-10-24 09:35:08 -0700 (Thu, 24 Oct 2019)

Log Message

[Web Animations] Only process CSS properties affected by a given CSS transition

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

When the "transition" property, or one of its longhands, would change we would iterate over every known CSS property to identify whether the before and after
styles showed reasons to create, modify or cancel a backing CSSTransition object. However, we only need to do this in the case where "transition-property" is
"all", ie. where the Animation object has its animationMode() set to Animation::AnimateAll. In all other cases, we only need to iterate over the CSS properties
specified by "transition-property".

We now compile a list of CSS properties to iterate over by looking at all properties listed in the "transition-property" for the before and after styles.

* animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp:
* animation/AnimationTimeline.h:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (251542 => 251543)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2019-10-24 16:24:00 UTC (rev 251542)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2019-10-24 16:35:08 UTC (rev 251543)
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+2019-10-24  Antoine Quint  <grao...@apple.com>
+        [Web Animations] Only process CSS properties affected by a given CSS transition
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203238
+        Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
+        When the "transition" property, or one of its longhands, would change we would iterate over every known CSS property to identify whether the before and after
+        styles showed reasons to create, modify or cancel a backing CSSTransition object. However, we only need to do this in the case where "transition-property" is
+        "all", ie. where the Animation object has its animationMode() set to Animation::AnimateAll. In all other cases, we only need to iterate over the CSS properties
+        specified by "transition-property".
+        We now compile a list of CSS properties to iterate over by looking at all properties listed in the "transition-property" for the before and after styles.
+        * animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp:
+        (WebCore::compileTransitionPropertiesInStyle):
+        (WebCore::AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElementAndProperty):
+        (WebCore::AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElement):
+        * animation/AnimationTimeline.h:
 2019-10-24  youenn fablet  <you...@apple.com>
         XMLHttpRequest.responseXML url should be the HTTP response URL

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp (251542 => 251543)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp	2019-10-24 16:24:00 UTC (rev 251542)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp	2019-10-24 16:35:08 UTC (rev 251543)
@@ -349,152 +349,195 @@
-void AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElement(Element& element, const RenderStyle& currentStyle, const RenderStyle& afterChangeStyle)
+static void compileTransitionPropertiesInStyle(const RenderStyle& style, HashSet<CSSPropertyID>& transitionProperties, bool& transitionPropertiesContainAll)
-    // In case this element is newly getting a "display: none" we need to cancel all of its transitions and disregard new ones.
-    if (currentStyle.hasTransitions() && currentStyle.display() != DisplayType::None && afterChangeStyle.display() == DisplayType::None) {
-        if (m_elementToRunningCSSTransitionByCSSPropertyID.contains(&element)) {
-            for (const auto& cssTransitionsByCSSPropertyIDMapItem : m_elementToRunningCSSTransitionByCSSPropertyID.take(&element))
-                cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*cssTransitionsByCSSPropertyIDMapItem.value);
+    if (transitionPropertiesContainAll)
+        return;
+    auto* transitions = style.transitions();
+    if (!transitions)
+        return;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < transitions->size(); ++i) {
+        const auto& animation = transitions->animation(i);
+        auto mode = animation.animationMode();
+        if (mode == Animation::AnimateSingleProperty) {
+            auto property = animation.property();
+            if (isShorthandCSSProperty(property)) {
+                auto shorthand = shorthandForProperty(property);
+                for (size_t j = 0; j < shorthand.length(); ++j)
+                    transitionProperties.add(shorthand.properties()[j]);
+            } else
+                transitionProperties.add(property);
+        } else if (mode == Animation::AnimateAll) {
+            transitionPropertiesContainAll = true;
+            return;
-        return;
-    // Section 3 "Starting of transitions" from the CSS Transitions Level 1 specification.
-    // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transitions-1/#starting
+void AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElementAndProperty(Element& element, CSSPropertyID property, const RenderStyle& currentStyle, const RenderStyle& afterChangeStyle, AnimationTimeline::PropertyToTransitionMap& runningTransitionsByProperty, PropertyToTransitionMap& completedTransitionsByProperty, const MonotonicTime generationTime)
+    const Animation* matchingBackingAnimation = nullptr;
+    if (auto* transitions = afterChangeStyle.transitions()) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < transitions->size(); ++i) {
+            auto& backingAnimation = transitions->animation(i);
+            if (transitionMatchesProperty(backingAnimation, property))
+                matchingBackingAnimation = &backingAnimation;
+        }
+    }
-    auto& runningTransitionsByProperty = ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty(element);
+    // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transitions-1/#before-change-style
+    // Define the before-change style as the computed values of all properties on the element as of the previous style change event, except with
+    // any styles derived from declarative animations such as CSS Transitions, CSS Animations, and SMIL Animations updated to the current time.
+    auto existingAnimation = cssAnimationForElementAndProperty(element, property);
+    const auto& beforeChangeStyle = existingAnimation ? downcast<CSSAnimation>(existingAnimation.get())->unanimatedStyle() : currentStyle;
-    auto& completedTransitionsByProperty = m_elementToCompletedCSSTransitionByCSSPropertyID.ensure(&element, [] {
-        return PropertyToTransitionMap { };
-    }).iterator->value;
+    if (!runningTransitionsByProperty.contains(property)
+        && !CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(property, &beforeChangeStyle, &afterChangeStyle)
+        && CSSPropertyAnimation::canPropertyBeInterpolated(property, &beforeChangeStyle, &afterChangeStyle)
+        && !propertyInStyleMatchesValueForTransitionInMap(property, afterChangeStyle, completedTransitionsByProperty)
+        && matchingBackingAnimation && transitionCombinedDuration(matchingBackingAnimation) > 0) {
+        // 1. If all of the following are true:
+        //   - the element does not have a running transition for the property,
+        //   - the before-change style is different from and can be interpolated with the after-change style for that property,
+        //   - the element does not have a completed transition for the property or the end value of the completed transition is different from the after-change style for the property,
+        //   - there is a matching transition-property value, and
+        //   - the combined duration is greater than 0s,
-    auto generationTime = MonotonicTime::now();
+        // then implementations must remove the completed transition (if present) from the set of completed transitions
+        completedTransitionsByProperty.remove(property);
-    auto numberOfProperties = CSSPropertyAnimation::getNumProperties();
-    for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < numberOfProperties; ++propertyIndex) {
-        Optional<bool> isShorthand;
-        auto property = CSSPropertyAnimation::getPropertyAtIndex(propertyIndex, isShorthand);
-        if (isShorthand && *isShorthand)
-            continue;
+        // and start a transition whose:
+        //   - start time is the time of the style change event plus the matching transition delay,
+        //   - end time is the start time plus the matching transition duration,
+        //   - start value is the value of the transitioning property in the before-change style,
+        //   - end value is the value of the transitioning property in the after-change style,
+        //   - reversing-adjusted start value is the same as the start value, and
+        //   - reversing shortening factor is 1.
+        auto delay = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->delay());
+        auto duration = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->duration());
+        auto& reversingAdjustedStartStyle = beforeChangeStyle;
+        auto reversingShorteningFactor = 1;
+        runningTransitionsByProperty.set(property, CSSTransition::create(element, property, generationTime, *matchingBackingAnimation, &beforeChangeStyle, afterChangeStyle, delay, duration, reversingAdjustedStartStyle, reversingShorteningFactor));
+    } else if (completedTransitionsByProperty.contains(property) && !propertyInStyleMatchesValueForTransitionInMap(property, afterChangeStyle, completedTransitionsByProperty)) {
+        // 2. Otherwise, if the element has a completed transition for the property and the end value of the completed transition is different from
+        //    the after-change style for the property, then implementations must remove the completed transition from the set of completed transitions.
+        completedTransitionsByProperty.remove(property);
+    }
-        const Animation* matchingBackingAnimation = nullptr;
-        if (auto* transitions = afterChangeStyle.transitions()) {
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < transitions->size(); ++i) {
-                auto& backingAnimation = transitions->animation(i);
-                if (transitionMatchesProperty(backingAnimation, property))
-                    matchingBackingAnimation = &backingAnimation;
-            }
-        }
+    bool hasRunningTransition = runningTransitionsByProperty.contains(property);
+    if ((hasRunningTransition || completedTransitionsByProperty.contains(property)) && !matchingBackingAnimation) {
+        // 3. If the element has a running transition or completed transition for the property, and there is not a matching transition-property
+        //    value, then implementations must cancel the running transition or remove the completed transition from the set of completed transitions.
+        if (hasRunningTransition)
+            runningTransitionsByProperty.take(property)->cancel();
+        else
+            completedTransitionsByProperty.remove(property);
+    }
-        // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transitions-1/#before-change-style
-        // Define the before-change style as the computed values of all properties on the element as of the previous style change event, except with
-        // any styles derived from declarative animations such as CSS Transitions, CSS Animations, and SMIL Animations updated to the current time.
-        auto existingAnimation = cssAnimationForElementAndProperty(element, property);
-        const auto& beforeChangeStyle = existingAnimation ? downcast<CSSAnimation>(existingAnimation.get())->unanimatedStyle() : currentStyle;
+    if (matchingBackingAnimation && runningTransitionsByProperty.contains(property) && !propertyInStyleMatchesValueForTransitionInMap(property, afterChangeStyle, runningTransitionsByProperty)) {
+        auto previouslyRunningTransition = runningTransitionsByProperty.take(property);
+        auto& previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle = previouslyRunningTransition->currentStyle();
+        // 4. If the element has a running transition for the property, there is a matching transition-property value, and the end value of the running
+        //    transition is not equal to the value of the property in the after-change style, then:
+        if (CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(property, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, &afterChangeStyle) || !CSSPropertyAnimation::canPropertyBeInterpolated(property, &currentStyle, &afterChangeStyle)) {
+            // 1. If the current value of the property in the running transition is equal to the value of the property in the after-change style,
+            //    or if these two values cannot be interpolated, then implementations must cancel the running transition.
+            cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
+        } else if (transitionCombinedDuration(matchingBackingAnimation) <= 0.0 || !CSSPropertyAnimation::canPropertyBeInterpolated(property, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, &afterChangeStyle)) {
+            // 2. Otherwise, if the combined duration is less than or equal to 0s, or if the current value of the property in the running transition
+            //    cannot be interpolated with the value of the property in the after-change style, then implementations must cancel the running transition.
+            cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
+        } else if (CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(property, &previouslyRunningTransition->reversingAdjustedStartStyle(), &afterChangeStyle)) {
+            // 3. Otherwise, if the reversing-adjusted start value of the running transition is the same as the value of the property in the after-change
+            //    style (see the section on reversing of transitions for why these case exists), implementations must cancel the running transition
+            cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
-        if (!runningTransitionsByProperty.contains(property)
-            && !CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(property, &beforeChangeStyle, &afterChangeStyle)
-            && CSSPropertyAnimation::canPropertyBeInterpolated(property, &beforeChangeStyle, &afterChangeStyle)
-            && !propertyInStyleMatchesValueForTransitionInMap(property, afterChangeStyle, completedTransitionsByProperty)
-            && matchingBackingAnimation && transitionCombinedDuration(matchingBackingAnimation) > 0) {
-            // 1. If all of the following are true:
-            //   - the element does not have a running transition for the property,
-            //   - the before-change style is different from and can be interpolated with the after-change style for that property,
-            //   - the element does not have a completed transition for the property or the end value of the completed transition is different from the after-change style for the property,
-            //   - there is a matching transition-property value, and
-            //   - the combined duration is greater than 0s,
+            // and start a new transition whose:
+            //   - reversing-adjusted start value is the end value of the running transition,
+            //   - reversing shortening factor is the absolute value, clamped to the range [0, 1], of the sum of:
+            //       1. the output of the timing function of the old transition at the time of the style change event, times the reversing shortening factor of the old transition
+            //       2. 1 minus the reversing shortening factor of the old transition.
+            //   - start time is the time of the style change event plus:
+            //       1. if the matching transition delay is nonnegative, the matching transition delay, or
+            //       2. if the matching transition delay is negative, the product of the new transition’s reversing shortening factor and the matching transition delay,
+            //   - end time is the start time plus the product of the matching transition duration and the new transition’s reversing shortening factor,
+            //   - start value is the current value of the property in the running transition,
+            //   - end value is the value of the property in the after-change style
+            auto& reversingAdjustedStartStyle = previouslyRunningTransition->targetStyle();
+            double transformedProgress = 1;
+            if (auto* effect = previouslyRunningTransition->effect()) {
+                if (auto computedTimingProgress = effect->getComputedTiming().progress)
+                    transformedProgress = *computedTimingProgress;
+            }
+            auto reversingShorteningFactor = std::max(std::min(((transformedProgress * previouslyRunningTransition->reversingShorteningFactor()) + (1 - previouslyRunningTransition->reversingShorteningFactor())), 1.0), 0.0);
+            auto delay = matchingBackingAnimation->delay() < 0 ? Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->delay()) * reversingShorteningFactor : Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->delay());
+            auto duration = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->duration()) * reversingShorteningFactor;
-            // then implementations must remove the completed transition (if present) from the set of completed transitions
-            completedTransitionsByProperty.remove(property);
+            ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty(element).set(property, CSSTransition::create(element, property, generationTime, *matchingBackingAnimation, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, afterChangeStyle, delay, duration, reversingAdjustedStartStyle, reversingShorteningFactor));
+        } else {
+            // 4. Otherwise, implementations must cancel the running transition
+            cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
-            // and start a transition whose:
+            // and start a new transition whose:
             //   - start time is the time of the style change event plus the matching transition delay,
             //   - end time is the start time plus the matching transition duration,
-            //   - start value is the value of the transitioning property in the before-change style,
-            //   - end value is the value of the transitioning property in the after-change style,
+            //   - start value is the current value of the property in the running transition,
+            //   - end value is the value of the property in the after-change style,
             //   - reversing-adjusted start value is the same as the start value, and
             //   - reversing shortening factor is 1.
             auto delay = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->delay());
             auto duration = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->duration());
-            auto& reversingAdjustedStartStyle = beforeChangeStyle;
+            auto& reversingAdjustedStartStyle = currentStyle;
             auto reversingShorteningFactor = 1;
-            runningTransitionsByProperty.set(property, CSSTransition::create(element, property, generationTime, *matchingBackingAnimation, &beforeChangeStyle, afterChangeStyle, delay, duration, reversingAdjustedStartStyle, reversingShorteningFactor));
-        } else if (completedTransitionsByProperty.contains(property) && !propertyInStyleMatchesValueForTransitionInMap(property, afterChangeStyle, completedTransitionsByProperty)) {
-            // 2. Otherwise, if the element has a completed transition for the property and the end value of the completed transition is different from
-            //    the after-change style for the property, then implementations must remove the completed transition from the set of completed transitions.
-            completedTransitionsByProperty.remove(property);
+            ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty(element).set(property, CSSTransition::create(element, property, generationTime, *matchingBackingAnimation, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, afterChangeStyle, delay, duration, reversingAdjustedStartStyle, reversingShorteningFactor));
+    }
-        bool hasRunningTransition = runningTransitionsByProperty.contains(property);
-        if ((hasRunningTransition || completedTransitionsByProperty.contains(property)) && !matchingBackingAnimation) {
-            // 3. If the element has a running transition or completed transition for the property, and there is not a matching transition-property
-            //    value, then implementations must cancel the running transition or remove the completed transition from the set of completed transitions.
-            if (hasRunningTransition)
-                runningTransitionsByProperty.take(property)->cancel();
-            else
-                completedTransitionsByProperty.remove(property);
+void AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElement(Element& element, const RenderStyle& currentStyle, const RenderStyle& afterChangeStyle)
+    // In case this element is newly getting a "display: none" we need to cancel all of its transitions and disregard new ones.
+    if (currentStyle.hasTransitions() && currentStyle.display() != DisplayType::None && afterChangeStyle.display() == DisplayType::None) {
+        if (m_elementToRunningCSSTransitionByCSSPropertyID.contains(&element)) {
+            for (const auto& cssTransitionsByCSSPropertyIDMapItem : m_elementToRunningCSSTransitionByCSSPropertyID.take(&element))
+                cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*cssTransitionsByCSSPropertyIDMapItem.value);
+        return;
+    }
-        if (matchingBackingAnimation && runningTransitionsByProperty.contains(property) && !propertyInStyleMatchesValueForTransitionInMap(property, afterChangeStyle, runningTransitionsByProperty)) {
-            auto previouslyRunningTransition = runningTransitionsByProperty.take(property);
-            auto& previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle = previouslyRunningTransition->currentStyle();
-            // 4. If the element has a running transition for the property, there is a matching transition-property value, and the end value of the running
-            //    transition is not equal to the value of the property in the after-change style, then:
-            if (CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(property, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, &afterChangeStyle) || !CSSPropertyAnimation::canPropertyBeInterpolated(property, &currentStyle, &afterChangeStyle)) {
-                // 1. If the current value of the property in the running transition is equal to the value of the property in the after-change style,
-                //    or if these two values cannot be interpolated, then implementations must cancel the running transition.
-                cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
-            } else if (transitionCombinedDuration(matchingBackingAnimation) <= 0.0 || !CSSPropertyAnimation::canPropertyBeInterpolated(property, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, &afterChangeStyle)) {
-                // 2. Otherwise, if the combined duration is less than or equal to 0s, or if the current value of the property in the running transition
-                //    cannot be interpolated with the value of the property in the after-change style, then implementations must cancel the running transition.
-                cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
-            } else if (CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(property, &previouslyRunningTransition->reversingAdjustedStartStyle(), &afterChangeStyle)) {
-                // 3. Otherwise, if the reversing-adjusted start value of the running transition is the same as the value of the property in the after-change
-                //    style (see the section on reversing of transitions for why these case exists), implementations must cancel the running transition
-                cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
+    // Section 3 "Starting of transitions" from the CSS Transitions Level 1 specification.
+    // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transitions-1/#starting
-                // and start a new transition whose:
-                //   - reversing-adjusted start value is the end value of the running transition,
-                //   - reversing shortening factor is the absolute value, clamped to the range [0, 1], of the sum of:
-                //       1. the output of the timing function of the old transition at the time of the style change event, times the reversing shortening factor of the old transition
-                //       2. 1 minus the reversing shortening factor of the old transition.
-                //   - start time is the time of the style change event plus:
-                //       1. if the matching transition delay is nonnegative, the matching transition delay, or
-                //       2. if the matching transition delay is negative, the product of the new transition’s reversing shortening factor and the matching transition delay,
-                //   - end time is the start time plus the product of the matching transition duration and the new transition’s reversing shortening factor,
-                //   - start value is the current value of the property in the running transition,
-                //   - end value is the value of the property in the after-change style
-                auto& reversingAdjustedStartStyle = previouslyRunningTransition->targetStyle();
-                double transformedProgress = 1;
-                if (auto* effect = previouslyRunningTransition->effect()) {
-                    if (auto computedTimingProgress = effect->getComputedTiming().progress)
-                        transformedProgress = *computedTimingProgress;
-                }
-                auto reversingShorteningFactor = std::max(std::min(((transformedProgress * previouslyRunningTransition->reversingShorteningFactor()) + (1 - previouslyRunningTransition->reversingShorteningFactor())), 1.0), 0.0);
-                auto delay = matchingBackingAnimation->delay() < 0 ? Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->delay()) * reversingShorteningFactor : Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->delay());
-                auto duration = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->duration()) * reversingShorteningFactor;
+    auto& runningTransitionsByProperty = ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty(element);
-                ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty(element).set(property, CSSTransition::create(element, property, generationTime, *matchingBackingAnimation, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, afterChangeStyle, delay, duration, reversingAdjustedStartStyle, reversingShorteningFactor));
-            } else {
-                // 4. Otherwise, implementations must cancel the running transition
-                cancelDeclarativeAnimation(*previouslyRunningTransition);
+    auto& completedTransitionsByProperty = m_elementToCompletedCSSTransitionByCSSPropertyID.ensure(&element, [] {
+        return PropertyToTransitionMap { };
+    }).iterator->value;
-                // and start a new transition whose:
-                //   - start time is the time of the style change event plus the matching transition delay,
-                //   - end time is the start time plus the matching transition duration,
-                //   - start value is the current value of the property in the running transition,
-                //   - end value is the value of the property in the after-change style,
-                //   - reversing-adjusted start value is the same as the start value, and
-                //   - reversing shortening factor is 1.
-                auto delay = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->delay());
-                auto duration = Seconds(matchingBackingAnimation->duration());
-                auto& reversingAdjustedStartStyle = currentStyle;
-                auto reversingShorteningFactor = 1;
-                ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty(element).set(property, CSSTransition::create(element, property, generationTime, *matchingBackingAnimation, &previouslyRunningTransitionCurrentStyle, afterChangeStyle, delay, duration, reversingAdjustedStartStyle, reversingShorteningFactor));
-            }
+    auto generationTime = MonotonicTime::now();
+    // First, let's compile the list of all CSS properties found in the current style and the after-change style.
+    bool transitionPropertiesContainAll = false;
+    HashSet<CSSPropertyID> transitionProperties;
+    compileTransitionPropertiesInStyle(currentStyle, transitionProperties, transitionPropertiesContainAll);
+    compileTransitionPropertiesInStyle(afterChangeStyle, transitionProperties, transitionPropertiesContainAll);
+    if (transitionPropertiesContainAll) {
+        auto numberOfProperties = CSSPropertyAnimation::getNumProperties();
+        for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < numberOfProperties; ++propertyIndex) {
+            Optional<bool> isShorthand;
+            auto property = CSSPropertyAnimation::getPropertyAtIndex(propertyIndex, isShorthand);
+            if (isShorthand && *isShorthand)
+                continue;
+            updateCSSTransitionsForElementAndProperty(element, property, currentStyle, afterChangeStyle, runningTransitionsByProperty, completedTransitionsByProperty, generationTime);
+        return;
+    for (auto property : transitionProperties)
+        updateCSSTransitionsForElementAndProperty(element, property, currentStyle, afterChangeStyle, runningTransitionsByProperty, completedTransitionsByProperty, generationTime);
 void AnimationTimeline::cancelDeclarativeAnimation(DeclarativeAnimation& animation)

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationTimeline.h (251542 => 251543)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationTimeline.h	2019-10-24 16:24:00 UTC (rev 251542)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationTimeline.h	2019-10-24 16:35:08 UTC (rev 251543)
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
     RefPtr<WebAnimation> cssAnimationForElementAndProperty(Element&, CSSPropertyID);
     PropertyToTransitionMap& ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty(Element&);
+    void updateCSSTransitionsForElementAndProperty(Element&, CSSPropertyID, const RenderStyle& currentStyle, const RenderStyle& afterChangeStyle, PropertyToTransitionMap&, PropertyToTransitionMap&, const MonotonicTime);
     void cancelDeclarativeAnimation(DeclarativeAnimation&);
     ElementToAnimationsMap m_elementToAnimationsMap;
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