Title: [263309] trunk/Source/WebCore
2020-06-19 19:26:14 -0700 (Fri, 19 Jun 2020)

Log Message

[macOS] Move progress bar painting code off of Carbon API

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


Adopts CoreUI constants and AppKit SPI (`-[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:]`) when painting progress
elements. This is being done in light of recent changes around how `HIThemeDrawTrack` draws progress bars on
recent versions of macOS; it has been recommended to us that we move away from using Carbon, and instead use

* rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm:

The `NSControlSize` to `CUISize` mapping here looks counterintuitive, but matches our current behavior. This is
because `kThemeLargeProgressBar` and `kThemeLargeIndeterminateBar` both map to `kCUISizeRegular`, while
`kThemeMediumIndeterminateBar` and `kThemeMediumProgressBar` map to `kCUISizeSmall`.


Add forward declarations for CoreUI SPI on non-internal SDKs.

* pal/spi/mac/CoreUISPI.h:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (263308 => 263309)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2020-06-20 01:22:52 UTC (rev 263308)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2020-06-20 02:26:14 UTC (rev 263309)
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+2020-06-19  Wenson Hsieh  <wenson_hs...@apple.com>
+        [macOS] Move progress bar painting code off of Carbon API
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=213405
+        <rdar://problem/63958537>
+        Reviewed by Tim Horton.
+        Adopts CoreUI constants and AppKit SPI (`-[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:]`) when painting progress
+        elements. This is being done in light of recent changes around how `HIThemeDrawTrack` draws progress bars on
+        recent versions of macOS; it has been recommended to us that we move away from using Carbon, and instead use
+        AppKit.
+        * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm:
+        (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintProgressBar):
+        The `NSControlSize` to `CUISize` mapping here looks counterintuitive, but matches our current behavior. This is
+        because `kThemeLargeProgressBar` and `kThemeLargeIndeterminateBar` both map to `kCUISizeRegular`, while
+        `kThemeMediumIndeterminateBar` and `kThemeMediumProgressBar` map to `kCUISizeSmall`.
 2020-06-19  Clark Wang  <clark_w...@apple.com>
         Remove setVelocity() from PannerNode

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/PAL/ChangeLog (263308 => 263309)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/PAL/ChangeLog	2020-06-20 01:22:52 UTC (rev 263308)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/PAL/ChangeLog	2020-06-20 02:26:14 UTC (rev 263309)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+2020-06-19  Wenson Hsieh  <wenson_hs...@apple.com>
+        [macOS] Move progress bar painting code off of Carbon API
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=213405
+        <rdar://problem/63958537>
+        Reviewed by Tim Horton.
+        Add forward declarations for CoreUI SPI on non-internal SDKs.
+        * pal/spi/mac/CoreUISPI.h:
 2020-06-19  Per Arne Vollan  <pvol...@apple.com>
         [macOS] Connections to the preference daemon are established before entering the sandbox

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/PAL/pal/spi/mac/CoreUISPI.h (263308 => 263309)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/PAL/pal/spi/mac/CoreUISPI.h	2020-06-20 01:22:52 UTC (rev 263308)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/PAL/pal/spi/mac/CoreUISPI.h	2020-06-20 02:26:14 UTC (rev 263309)
@@ -35,5 +35,21 @@
 extern const CFStringRef kCUIIsFlippedKey;
 extern const CFStringRef kCUIWidgetScrollBarTrackCorner;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIWidgetProgressIndeterminateBar;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIWidgetProgressBar;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionLeftToRight;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIPresentationStateActiveKey;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIPresentationStateInactive;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIOrientHorizontal;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUISizeSmall;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUISizeRegular;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIValueKey;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUISizeKey;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionKey;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIScaleKey;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIPresentationStateKey;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIOrientationKey;
+extern const CFStringRef kCUIAnimationFrameKey;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm (263308 => 263309)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm	2020-06-20 01:22:52 UTC (rev 263308)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm	2020-06-20 02:26:14 UTC (rev 263309)
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@
 #import <math.h>
 #import <pal/spi/cg/CoreGraphicsSPI.h>
 #import <pal/spi/cocoa/NSColorSPI.h>
+#import <pal/spi/mac/CoreUISPI.h>
+#import <pal/spi/mac/NSAppearanceSPI.h>
 #import <pal/spi/mac/NSCellSPI.h>
 #import <pal/spi/mac/NSImageSPI.h>
 #import <pal/spi/mac/NSSharingServicePickerSPI.h>
@@ -1384,40 +1386,42 @@
     IntRect inflatedRect = progressBarRectForBounds(renderObject, rect);
     NSControlSize controlSize = controlSizeForFont(renderObject.style());
     const auto& renderProgress = downcast<RenderProgress>(renderObject);
-    HIThemeTrackDrawInfo trackInfo;
-    trackInfo.version = 0;
-    bool shouldUseLargeProgressBarIfPossible = controlSize == NSControlSizeRegular;
-    if (ThemeMac::supportsLargeFormControls())
-        shouldUseLargeProgressBarIfPossible |= controlSize == NSControlSizeLarge;
-    if (shouldUseLargeProgressBarIfPossible)
-        trackInfo.kind = renderProgress.position() < 0 ? kThemeLargeIndeterminateBar : kThemeLargeProgressBar;
-    else
-        trackInfo.kind = renderProgress.position() < 0 ? kThemeMediumIndeterminateBar : kThemeMediumProgressBar;
     float deviceScaleFactor = renderObject.document().deviceScaleFactor();
-    trackInfo.bounds = IntRect(IntPoint(), inflatedRect.size());
-    trackInfo.min = 0;
-    trackInfo.max = std::numeric_limits<SInt32>::max();
-    trackInfo.value = lround(renderProgress.position() * nextafter(trackInfo.max, 0));
-    trackInfo.trackInfo.progress.phase = lround(renderProgress.animationProgress() * nextafter(progressAnimationNumFrames, 0) * deviceScaleFactor);
-    trackInfo.attributes = kThemeTrackHorizontal;
-    trackInfo.enableState = isActive(renderObject) ? kThemeTrackActive : kThemeTrackInactive;
-    trackInfo.reserved = 0;
-    trackInfo.filler1 = 0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ImageBuffer> imageBuffer = ImageBuffer::createCompatibleBuffer(inflatedRect.size(), deviceScaleFactor, ColorSpace::SRGB, paintInfo.context());
+    bool isIndeterminate = renderProgress.position() < 0;
+    auto animationFrame = lround(renderProgress.animationProgress() * nextafter(progressAnimationNumFrames, 0) * deviceScaleFactor);
+    auto imageBuffer = ImageBuffer::createCompatibleBuffer(inflatedRect.size(), deviceScaleFactor, ColorSpace::SRGB, paintInfo.context());
     if (!imageBuffer)
         return true;
     ContextContainer cgContextContainer(imageBuffer->context());
     CGContextRef cgContext = cgContextContainer.context();
-    HIThemeDrawTrack(&trackInfo, 0, cgContext, kHIThemeOrientationNormal);
+    auto coreUISizeForProgressBarSize = [](NSControlSize size) -> CFStringRef {
+        switch (size) {
+        case NSControlSizeMini:
+        case NSControlSizeSmall:
+            return kCUISizeSmall;
+        case NSControlSizeRegular:
+        case NSControlSizeLarge:
+            return kCUISizeRegular;
+        }
+        return nullptr;
+    };
+    [[NSAppearance currentAppearance] _drawInRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, inflatedRect.width(), inflatedRect.height()) context:cgContext options:@{
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUIWidgetKey: (__bridge NSString *)(isIndeterminate ? kCUIWidgetProgressIndeterminateBar : kCUIWidgetProgressBar),
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUIValueKey: @(isIndeterminate ? 1 : std::min(nextafter(1.0, -1), renderProgress.position())),
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUISizeKey: (__bridge NSString *)coreUISizeForProgressBarSize(controlSize),
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUIUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionKey: (__bridge NSString *)kCUIUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionLeftToRight,
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUIScaleKey: @(deviceScaleFactor),
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUIPresentationStateKey: (__bridge NSString *)(isActive(renderObject) ? kCUIPresentationStateActiveKey : kCUIPresentationStateInactive),
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUIOrientationKey: (__bridge NSString *)kCUIOrientHorizontal,
+        (__bridge NSString *)kCUIAnimationFrameKey: @(isIndeterminate ? animationFrame : 0)
+    }];
     GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(paintInfo.context());
     if (!renderProgress.style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
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