Title: [264813] trunk/Tools
2020-07-24 00:30:32 -0700 (Fri, 24 Jul 2020)

Log Message

Add a GNU parallel runner

Patch by Angelos Oikonomopoulos <ange...@igalia.com> on 2020-07-24
Reviewed by Keith Miller.

At the moment, run-jsc-stress-tests uses make as a (local) job scheduling
engine (i.e. doesn't make use of the dependency tracking at all). However,
this causes problems for the distributed job scheduling we want to do when
using --remote.

If a remote is down, the tests will fail.
If a remote goes down during testing, the tests will fail.

There is no reason not to ignore remotes that are unavailable. What's more,
we should be able to reschedule jobs that were in the middle of execution when
a remote host goes down.

This patch tries to leverage GNU parallel as the execution engine to
hopefully transparently handle some of those failure scenarios.

* Scripts/run-_javascript_core-tests:
* Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Tools/ChangeLog (264812 => 264813)

--- trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2020-07-24 05:31:56 UTC (rev 264812)
+++ trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2020-07-24 07:30:32 UTC (rev 264813)
@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
+2020-07-24  Angelos Oikonomopoulos  <ange...@igalia.com>
+        Add a GNU parallel runner
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=214356
+        Reviewed by Keith Miller.
+        At the moment, run-jsc-stress-tests uses make as a (local) job scheduling
+        engine (i.e. doesn't make use of the dependency tracking at all). However,
+        this causes problems for the distributed job scheduling we want to do when
+        using --remote.
+        If a remote is down, the tests will fail.
+        If a remote goes down during testing, the tests will fail.
+        There is no reason not to ignore remotes that are unavailable. What's more,
+        we should be able to reschedule jobs that were in the middle of execution when
+        a remote host goes down.
+        This patch tries to leverage GNU parallel as the execution engine to
+        hopefully transparently handle some of those failure scenarios.
+        * Scripts/run-_javascript_core-tests:
+        (runJSCStressTests):
+        * Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests:
 2020-07-23  Wenson Hsieh  <wenson_hs...@apple.com>
         Tapping QuickType suggestions for a misspelled word does nothing in Mail compose

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-_javascript_core-tests (264812 => 264813)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-_javascript_core-tests	2020-07-24 05:31:56 UTC (rev 264812)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-_javascript_core-tests	2020-07-24 07:30:32 UTC (rev 264813)
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 my $shellRunner;
 my $makeRunner;
 my $rubyRunner;
+my $gnuParallelRunner;
 my $testWriter;
 my $memoryLimited;
 my $reportExecutionTime;
@@ -338,6 +339,7 @@
     'shell-runner' => \$shellRunner,
     'make-runner' => \$makeRunner,
     'ruby-runner' => \$rubyRunner,
+    'gnu-parallel-runner' => \$gnuParallelRunner,
     'test-writer=s' => \$testWriter,
     'memory-limited' => \$memoryLimited,
     'report-execution-time' => \$reportExecutionTime,
@@ -827,6 +829,10 @@
         push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--ruby-runner");
+    if ($gnuParallelRunner) {
+        push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--gnu-parallel-runner");
+    }
     if ($testWriter) {
         push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--test-writer");
         push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $testWriter);

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests (264812 => 264813)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests	2020-07-24 05:31:56 UTC (rev 264812)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests	2020-07-24 07:30:32 UTC (rev 264813)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 require 'getoptlong'
 require 'pathname'
 require 'rbconfig'
+require 'tempfile'
 require 'uri'
 require 'yaml'
@@ -86,9 +87,15 @@
     $stderr.puts ">> #{commandArray}"
+$ignoreNextCommandExecutionExitCode = false
 def mysys(*cmd)
-    printCommandArray(*cmd) if $verbosity >= 1
-    raise "Command failed: #{$?.inspect}" unless system(*cmd)
+    begin
+        printCommandArray(*cmd) if $verbosity >= 1
+        raise "Command failed: #{$?.inspect}" unless (system(*cmd) or $ignoreNextCommandExecutionExitCode)
+    ensure
+        $ignoreNextCommandExecutionExitCode = false
+    end
 def escapeAll(array)
@@ -187,6 +194,7 @@
                ['--shell-runner', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
                ['--make-runner', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
                ['--ruby-runner', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+               ['--gnu-parallel-runner', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
                ['--test-writer', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
                ['--remote', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
                ['--remote-config-file', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
@@ -232,6 +240,8 @@
         $testRunnerType = :make
     when '--ruby-runner'
         $testRunnerType = :ruby
+    when '--gnu-parallel-runner'
+        $testRunnerType = :gnuparallel
     when '--test-writer'
         $testWriter = arg
     when '--remote'
@@ -499,8 +509,8 @@
-if $remoteHosts.length > 1 and $testRunnerType != :make
-    raise "Multiple remote hosts only supported with make runner"
+if $remoteHosts.length > 1 and ($testRunnerType != :make) and ($testRunnerType != :gnuparallel)
+    raise "Multiple remote hosts only supported with the make or gnu-parallel runners"
 if $hostOS == "playstation" && $testWriter == "default"
@@ -1955,6 +1965,8 @@
     when :ruby
+    when :gnuparallel
+        prepareGnuParallelTestRunner
         raise "Unknown test runner type: #{$testRunnerType.to_s}"
@@ -2089,25 +2101,42 @@
+def getRemoteDirectoryIfNeeded(remoteIndex)
+    remoteHost = $remoteHosts[remoteIndex]
+    if !remoteHost.remoteDirectory
+        remoteHost.remoteDirectory = JSON::parse(sshRead("cat ~/.bencher", remoteIndex))["tempPath"]
+    end
+def copyBundleToRemote(remoteHost)
+    mysys("ssh", "-o", "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes", "-p", remoteHost.port.to_s, "#{remoteHost.user}@#{remoteHost.host}", "mkdir -p #{remoteHost.remoteDirectory}")
+    mysys("scp", "-o", "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes", "-P", remoteHost.port.to_s, ($outputDir.dirname + $tarFileName).to_s, "#{remoteHost.user}@#{remoteHost.host}:#{remoteHost.remoteDirectory}")
+def exportBaseEnvironmentVariables
+    dyldFrameworkPath = "$(cd #{$testingFrameworkPath.dirname}; pwd)"
+    ldLibraryPath = "$(pwd)/#{$outputDir.basename}/#{$jscPath.dirname}"
+    [
+        "export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=#{Shellwords.shellescape(dyldFrameworkPath)} && ",
+        "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ldLibraryPath)} &&",
+        "export JSCTEST_timeout=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['JSCTEST_timeout'])} && ",
+        "export JSCTEST_hardTimeout=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['JSCTEST_hardTimeout'])} && ",
+        "export JSCTEST_memoryLimit=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['JSCTEST_memoryLimit'])} && ",
+        "export TZ=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['TZ'])} && ",
+    ].join("")
 def runTestRunner(remoteIndex=0)
     if $remote
         remoteHost = $remoteHosts[remoteIndex]
-        if !remoteHost.remoteDirectory
-            remoteHost.remoteDirectory = JSON::parse(sshRead("cat ~/.bencher", remoteIndex))["tempPath"]
-        end
-        mysys("ssh", "-o", "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes", "-p", remoteHost.port.to_s, "#{remoteHost.user}@#{remoteHost.host}", "mkdir -p #{remoteHost.remoteDirectory}")
-        mysys("scp", "-o", "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes", "-P", remoteHost.port.to_s, ($outputDir.dirname + $tarFileName).to_s, "#{remoteHost.user}@#{remoteHost.host}:#{remoteHost.remoteDirectory}")
+        getRemoteDirectoryIfNeeded(remoteIndex)
+        copyBundleToRemote(remoteHost)
         remoteScript = "\""
         remoteScript += "cd #{remoteHost.remoteDirectory} && "
         remoteScript += "rm -rf #{$outputDir.basename} && "
         remoteScript += "tar xzf #{$tarFileName} && "
         remoteScript += "cd #{$outputDir.basename}/.runner && "
-        remoteScript += "export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=\\\"\\$(cd #{$testingFrameworkPath.dirname}; pwd)\\\" && "
-        remoteScript += "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{remoteHost.remoteDirectory}/#{$outputDir.basename}/#{$jscPath.dirname} && "
-        remoteScript += "export JSCTEST_timeout=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['JSCTEST_timeout'])} && "
-        remoteScript += "export JSCTEST_hardTimeout=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['JSCTEST_hardTimeout'])} && "
-        remoteScript += "export JSCTEST_memoryLimit=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['JSCTEST_memoryLimit'])} && "
-        remoteScript += "export TZ=#{Shellwords.shellescape(ENV['TZ'])} && "
+        remoteScript += exportBaseEnvironmentVariables
         $envVars.each { |var| remoteScript += "export " << var << "\n" }
         remoteScript += "#{testRunnerCommand(remoteIndex)}\""
         runAndMonitorTestRunnerCommand("ssh", "-o", "NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes", "-p", remoteHost.port.to_s, "#{remoteHost.user}@#{remoteHost.host}", remoteScript)
@@ -2277,6 +2306,18 @@
+def forEachRemote(&blk)
+    threads = []
+    $remoteHosts.each_index {
+        | index |
+        remoteHost = $remoteHosts[index]
+        threads << Thread.new {
+            blk.call(index, remoteHost)
+        }
+    }
+    threads.each { |thr| thr.join }
 def runRemote
     raise unless $remote
@@ -2286,22 +2327,158 @@
-    threads = []
-    $remoteHosts.each_index {
+    forEachRemote {
         | index |
-        threads << Thread.new {
-            runTestRunner(index)
+        runTestRunner(index)
+    }
+    detectFailures
+def prepareGnuParallelTestRunner
+    path = $runnerDir + "parallel-tests"
+    FileUtils.mkdir_p($runnerDir)
+    File.open(path, "w") {
+        | outp |
+        $runlist.each {
+            | plan |
+            outp.puts("./test_script_#{plan.index}")
-    threads.each { |thr| thr.join }
+def withGnuParallelSshWrapper(&blk)
+    Tempfile.open('ssh-wrapper', $runnerDir) {
+        | wrapper |
+        head =
+if test "x$1" != "x--"; then
+   echo "Expected '--' at this position, instead got $1" 1>&2
+   exit 3
+        wrapper.puts(head +
+                     "echo \"$@\" | ssh -o ControlPath=./%C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=10m -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p \"$remoteport\" -l \"$remoteuser\" -o RemoteCommand=\"cd '$remotedir' && sh -s\" \"$remotehost\""
+        )
+        FileUtils.chmod("ugo=rx", wrapper.path)
+        wrapper.close # Avoid ETXTBUSY
+        blk.call(wrapper.path)
+    }
+def withGnuParallelSshLoginFile(&blk)
+    withGnuParallelSshWrapper {
+        | wrapper |
+        Tempfile.open('slf', $runnerDir) {
+            | tf |
+            $remoteHosts.each {
+                | remoteHost |
+                tf.puts("#{wrapper} #{remoteHost.remoteDirectory} #{remoteHost.port} #{remoteHost.user} #{remoteHost.host}")
+            }
+            tf.flush
+            blk.call(tf.path)
+        }
+    }
+def runSameCommandOnRemotes(cmd)
+    Tempfile.open('gnu-parallel-commands', $runnerDir) {
+        | commands |
+        commands.puts(cmd)
+        commands.flush
+        withGnuParallelSshLoginFile {
+            | slf |
+            cmd = [
+                "parallel",
+                "--nonall",
+                "-j0",
+                "--slf", slf
+            ] + ["-a", commands.path]
+            return mysys(*cmd)
+        }
+    }
+def unpackBundleGnuParallel
+    runSameCommandOnRemotes("rm -rf #{$outputDir.basename} && " +
+                            "tar xzf #{$tarFileName}")
+def runGnuParallelRunner
+    inputs = $runnerDir + "parallel-tests"
+    timeout = 300
+    if ENV["JSCTEST_timeout"]
+        timeout = ENV["JSCTEST_timeout"].to_f.ceil.to_i
+    end
+    withGnuParallelSshLoginFile {
+        | slf |
+        cmd = [
+            "parallel",
+            # We add 1 to make sure we always have waiting jobs and
+            # don't run into stalls due to ssh latency. However, we
+            # want to respect numChildProcesses, so we don't just use
+            # the -j +1 GNU parallel idiom.
+            "-j", "#{$numChildProcesses + 1}",
+            "--retries 5",
+            "--line-buffer", # we know our output is line-oriented
+            "--slf", slf,
+            "--timeout", timeout.to_s,
+            "-a", inputs,
+            "'cd #{$outputDir.basename}/.runner && " +
+            exportBaseEnvironmentVariables +
+            $envVars.collect { |var | "export #{var} &&"}.join("") +
+            "sh '"
+        ]
+        $ignoreNextCommandExecutionExitCode = true
+        runAndMonitorTestRunnerCommand(*cmd)
+    }
+def runGnuParallel
+    raise unless $remote
+    prepareBundle
+    prepareTestRunner
+    compressBundle
+    forEachRemote {
+        |remoteIndex, remoteHost|
+        getRemoteDirectoryIfNeeded(remoteIndex)
+        copyBundleToRemote(remoteHost)
+    }
+    unpackBundleGnuParallel
+    runGnuParallelRunner
+if $testRunnerType == :gnuparallel
+    raise unless $remote
 if $bundle
 elsif $remote
-    runRemote
+    if $testRunnerType == :gnuparallel
+        runGnuParallel
+    else
+        runRemote
+    end
 elsif $tarball
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